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Auto mocking container for Windsor and Rhino

I am want to do automocking with Windsor so that I can do something like

  _controller = _autoMockingContainer.Create<MyControllerWithLoadsOfDepdencies>();

There used to be a Windsor auto mocking container in Ayende's Rhino libraries. But that doesn't seem to be maintained any more, so the dependencies are a bit old (it's using Castle Windsor 2, but we need 2.5 to be referenced), therefore causing dll hell.

Are there any viable alternatives? I tried pulling out the relevant classes from rhino testing, but it's much more involved that I can handle.

like image 428
Dan Avatar asked Dec 16 '22 12:12


1 Answers

Thanks to @mookid8000's link and help from a colleague, I created this......which seems to do the trick.

 public abstract class TestBase
        static readonly WindsorContainer _mockWindsorContainer;

        static TestBase()
            _mockWindsorContainer = new WindsorContainer();

        protected static T MockOf<T>() where T : class
            return _mockWindsorContainer.Resolve<T>();

        protected static T Create<T>()
            return _mockWindsorContainer.Resolve<T>();


    public class LazyComponentAutoMocker : ILazyComponentLoader
        public IRegistration Load(string key, Type service, IDictionary arguments)
            return Component.For(service).Instance(MockRepository.GenerateStub(service));
like image 117
Dan Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 06:12
