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Auto increment id with sequelize in MySQL

I have the following model in NodeJS with sequelize and a MySQL database:

var Sequelize = require('sequelize'); var User = sequelize.define('user', {                 id: {             type: Sequelize.INTEGER,             autoIncrement: true,             primaryKey: true         },         ... }; 

I am trying to add a new user to my databse with the below code:

sequelize.transaction().then(function(t) {         User.create({/* User data without id */}, {             transaction: t         }).then(function() {             t.commit();         }).catch(function(error) {             t.rollback();         });     }); 

After that, I am getting the next error:

Executing (47f19f7b-a02d-4d72-ba7e-d5045520fffb): START TRANSACTION; Executing (47f19f7b-a02d-4d72-ba7e-d5045520fffb): SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ; Executing (47f19f7b-a02d-4d72-ba7e-d5045520fffb): SET autocommit = 1; Executing (47f19f7b-a02d-4d72-ba7e-d5045520fffb): INSERT INTO `user` (`id`, /* next fields */) VALUES (DEFAULT, /* next values */); Executing (47f19f7b-a02d-4d72-ba7e-d5045520fffb): ROLLBACK; 

And the error message:

[SequelizeDatabaseError: ER_NO_DEFAULT_FOR_FIELD: Field 'id' doesn't have a default value]   name: 'SequelizeDatabaseError',   message: 'ER_NO_DEFAULT_FOR_FIELD: Field \'id\' doesn\'t have a default value' 

However, if I manually set the id value, it works. It seems sequelize is trying to set a default value in the id field, instead setting an autoincrement integer. I have defined this field as autoIncrement in my database too.

How could I do this insertion? Do I have to set the id manually?


This is my table definition:

CREATE TABLE `user` (   `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `uid` varchar(9) NOT NULL,   `name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,   `email` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,   `birthdate` date NOT NULL,   PRIMARY KEY (`id`),   UNIQUE KEY `uid_UNIQUE` (`uid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 
like image 523
Genzotto Avatar asked Nov 18 '15 08:11


People also ask

Does Sequelize auto generate ID?

now when you create a new instance of Product, you only need the productName field. The UUID is auto-generated by the Sequelize model.

Does Sequelize work with MySQL?

Sequelize is a Node. js-based Object Relational Mapper that makes it easy to work with MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL databases, and more. An Object Relational Mapper performs functions like handling database records by representing the data as objects.

1 Answers

You must be sure you're not even sending the id key at all.

I have done a quick minimal test and it seemed to work great:

var Sequelize = require('sequelize'); var sequelize = new Sequelize('cake3', 'root', 'root', {     define: {         timestamps: false     }, }); var User = sequelize.define('user1', {                 id: {             type: Sequelize.INTEGER,             autoIncrement: true,             primaryKey: true         },         name: {             type: Sequelize.STRING         } });  sequelize.transaction().then(function(t) {     User.create({name:'test'}, {         transaction: t     }).then(function() {         t.commit();     }).catch(function(error) {         console.log(error);         t.rollback();     }); }); 

Table dump:

CREATE TABLE `user1s` (   `id` int(11) NOT NULL,   `name` varchar(20) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; ALTER TABLE `user1s`   ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); ALTER TABLE `user1s`   MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,AUTO_INCREMENT=1; 
like image 115
Andrius Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09
