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Auto close modal dialog - After server code is done, close dialog in Google Spreadsheet

I have a Google Sheet that runs some Apps Script server code to connect to an SQL server. I want to show the message "loading..." in the modal dialog while data is being refreshed. I can get the modal to pop up, but I want to auto-close the dialog as soon as the code is finished.

An example I have set up is:

function testpop () {
  var htmlOutput = HtmlService
    .createHtmlOutput('<p> This box will close when the data has finished loading.</p>')
  SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(htmlOutput, 'Loading...');
//close the dialog

I know this can be called on a client side but need it to be handled in the GS so it fires when the code is done.

like image 843
Nick Burke Avatar asked Sep 11 '15 16:09

Nick Burke

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1 Answers

The flow of events could be:

  • User does something
  • Triggers modal dialog
  • onLoad event of modal dialog triggers client side code
  • Client side google.script.run triggers a server side .gs function to run
  • Server function in .gs script file runs.
  • database updated from server.
  • server code sends a return value back to dialog
  • "withSuccessHandler()" in dialog detects the return from the server
  • "withSuccessHandler()" runs and closes the dialog using google.script.host.close();

You'll need a <script> tag in your modal dialog.

  window.onload = function() {    
    //console.log('window.onload ran!');


  window.closeDialog = function() {

Right now you are using:

HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(the HTML here)

You could create the HTML from a file instead:

like image 175
Alan Wells Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 12:09

Alan Wells