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Auto advancing state machine with Stateless

I've been experimenting with Stateless (HSM in C#) (https://code.google.com/p/stateless/) lately and I've come across something that I'm not really sure how to achieve.

Let's say I have the following states:

  • Start.

  • Connect

  • Read

  • Finish

What I'm trying to achieve is: when the TCP connection (in the Connect state) is established, advance to the Read state. Or, if it fails, advance to the Finish state (where it may return to the Connect state and attempt a new connection after a timeout period).

How can I achieve this auto advancing feature using Stateless, since firing triggers from within the states can cause a stack overflow exception?


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Omni Avatar asked Nov 22 '13 10:11


People also ask

Is a state machine stateless?

The reason that most open-source state machines are stateful is that they maintain two states: initial state and current state. To make a state machine stateless, we can simply remove these variables to leave the instance stateless.

How state machine works in c#?

State is a behavioral design pattern that allows an object to change the behavior when its internal state changes. The pattern extracts state-related behaviors into separate state classes and forces the original object to delegate the work to an instance of these classes, instead of acting on its own.

1 Answers

Given that I found no native solution on Stateless to do what I asked, I ended up wrapping the .Fire(trigger) in a task

Task.Start(() => _stateMachine.Fire(trigger));

Doing so, means that the state machine does not advance itself per say, but it's rather advanced by an external source, solving the SO exception.

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Omni Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 13:10
