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Aurelia router navigate & navigateToRoute



In app.ts I am looking to navigate to home/contract-view/10 on a action. Tried

this.router.navigateToRoute(`home/contract-view`, { id: 10}, { absolute: true });

fails with Route home/contract-view not be found

Another try:

this.router.navigate(`#/home/contract-view`, { id: 10});

fails with Route not found: contract-view(…) How to achieve this? App.ts:

configureRouter(config: RouterConfiguration, router: Router) {
        config.title = 'Contracts Portal';
            { route: ['', 'dummy'], name: 'dummy', moduleId: 'dummy', nav: false, title: 'Dummy', settings: { pos: 'left' } },
            { route: 'home', name: 'home', moduleId: 'home', nav: true, title: 'Home', settings:{pos: 'left', class: 'home' }, auth: true },
        this.router = router;    


 configureRouter(config: RouterConfiguration, router: Router) {
            { route: ['', 'contract-view/:id'], name: 'contract-view', moduleId: 'contract-view', nav: true, title: 'Contract' },
            { route:  'doc-view/:id', name: 'doc-view', href:'doc-view', moduleId: 'doc-view', nav: true, title: 'Document' },

        this.router = router;
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TSR Avatar asked Mar 12 '16 09:03


People also ask

How do I configure the router in Aurelia?

To use Aurelia's router, your component view must have a <router-view></router-view> element. In order to configure the router, the component's view-model requires a configureRouter () function. config.map () adds route (s) to the router.

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The details link contains a lot of concepts. route-href is binding the anchor to Aurelia’s router. route: contactdetail is telling the router which route to load. params.bind: {id:contact.id} is telling the link to pass the contact’s ID to through the router to the view model that is being loaded.

How do I map an unknown route in Aurelia?

Aurelia allows you to map any unknown routes. Parameters passed to mapUnknownRoutes () can be: A string to a moduleId. This module will be navigated to any time a route is not found. A routeConfig object. This configuration object will be used any time a route is not found.

Are Aurelia's routes case sensitive?

By default Aurelia's routes are not case sensitive. Aurelia allows you to map any unknown routes. Parameters passed to mapUnknownRoutes () can be: A string to a moduleId. This module will be navigated to any time a route is not found. A routeConfig object. This configuration object will be used any time a route is not found.

2 Answers

preferred solution would be to use your named routes that you have configured in the router.

this.router.navigateToRoute('contract-view', {id: 10});
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weagle08 Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09


You have router in 'home' configured with contract-view/:id, so you need this.router.navigate('home/contract-view/10'). And try to remove this.router.refreshNavigation() too

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valichek Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09
