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Auditing with C# and .NET

I have a web application, and I would like to audit most of the users actions on the application, for example login, insertion to db, update to db, fired exceptions, etc.

One of my senios suggested using a queue for faster performance, so you just enqeue an event and it is then processed automatically without having to wait for it to be processed.

What are your suggestions? How should I process them? Enqueueing them is no problem, but I'm not sure how they will be processed then without no body calling a method.

I am using C# with .NET 4.0

like image 947
Ryan S Avatar asked Aug 02 '11 12:08

Ryan S

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2 Answers

I've been working on a library that can probably help.

Audit.NET and its extensions to audit different systems (WCF, MVC, WebApi, EF) and store logs in different data storages (SQL, MongoDB, DocumentDB, File, EventLog) will give you the flexibility to configure what do you want to audit and where do you want to store the audit logs.

like image 196
thepirat000 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09


I would simply recommend an off the shelf logging framework that is stable and supported. Have you considered a logging framework, like log4net?

You could write a custom appender for logging into MSMQ if you'd like.

like image 24
Armbrat Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
