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AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by server warning in Android O

Currently, I am working with Android O in one of our application, I'm receiving the notification but there is no beeper sound associated with it. I have set the sound to the notification channel but no results. I'm receiving a warning AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by the server. Apart, from this no errors. Can someone please evaluate this?

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Nivedita puneet Avatar asked Nov 07 '22 20:11

Nivedita puneet

1 Answers

The design documentation describes a difference between the client level denying the request and the server (AudioFlinger) denying the request for a "fast track". If the client (C++ implementation library that you call) passes on the request, it may also be denied at the server level. The page describes the conditions required to create a "fast track" and one of these is probably not met in your case.

I also have this error and yet the system allocates a "normal track" and the audio flows, just with too much latency. I wish I could get more information on why it has been denied.

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hack_on Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 15:11
