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Atomic 64 bit writes with GCC

I've gotten myself into a confused mess regarding multithreaded programming and was hoping someone could come and slap some understanding in me.

After doing quite a bit of reading, I've come to the understanding that I should be able to set the value of a 64 bit int atomically on a 64 bit system1.

I found a lot of this reading difficult though, so thought I would try to make a test to verify this. So I wrote a simple program with one thread which would set a variable into one of two values:

bool switcher = false;

    if (switcher)
        foo = a;
        foo = b;
    switcher = !switcher;

And another thread which would check the value of foo:

while (true)
    __uint64_t blah = foo;
    if ((blah != a) && (blah != b))
        cout << "Not atomic! " << blah << endl;

I set a = 1844674407370955161; and b = 1144644202170355111;. I run this program and get no output warning me that blah is not a or b.

Great, looks like it probably is an atomic write...but then, I changed the first thread to set a and b directly, like so:

bool switcher = false;

    if (switcher)
        foo = 1844674407370955161;
        foo = 1144644202170355111;
    switcher = !switcher;

I re-run, and suddenly:

Not atomic! 1144644203261303193
Not atomic! 1844674406280007079
Not atomic! 1144644203261303193
Not atomic! 1844674406280007079

What's changed? Either way I'm assigning a large number to foo - does the compiler handle a constant number differently, or have I misunderstood everything?


1: Intel CPU documentation, section 8.1, Guaranteed Atomic Operations

2: GCC Development list discussing that GCC doesn't guarantee it in the documentation, but the kernel and other programs rely on it

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Frederik Avatar asked Mar 10 '11 10:03


3 Answers

Disassembling the loop, I get the following code with gcc:

.globl _switcher
    pushq   %rbp
    movq    %rsp, %rbp
    movl    $0, -4(%rbp)
    cmpl    $0, -4(%rbp)
    je  L3
    movq    _foo@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
    movl    $-1717986919, (%rax)
    movl    $429496729, 4(%rax)
    jmp L5
    movq    _foo@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
    movl    $1486032295, (%rax)
    movl    $266508246, 4(%rax)
    cmpl    $0, -4(%rbp)
    sete    %al
    movzbl  %al, %eax
    movl    %eax, -4(%rbp)
    jmp L2

So it would appear that gcc does use to 32-bit movl instruction with 32-bit immediate values. There is an instruction movq that can move a 64-bit register to memory (or memory to a 64-bit register), but it does not seems to be able to set move an immediate value to a memory address, so the compiler is forced to either use a temporary register and then move the value to memory, or to use to movl. You can try to force it to use a register by using a temporary variable, but this may not work.


  • mov
  • movq
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Sylvain Defresne Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 19:11

Sylvain Defresne


immediate values inside instructions remain 32 bits.

There is no way for the compiler to do the assignation of a 64 bits constant atomically, excepted by first filling a register and then moving that register to the variable. That is probably more costly than assigning directly to the variable and as atomicity is not required by the language, the atomic solution is not chosen.

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AProgrammer Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 19:11


The Intel CPU documentation is right, aligned 8 Bytes read/writes are always atomic on recent hardware (even on 32 bit operating systems).

What you don't tell us, are you using a 64 bit hardware on a 32 bit system? If so, the 8 byte write will most likely be splitted into two 4 byte writes by the compiler.

Just have a look at the relevant section in the object code.

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Gunther Piez Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 19:11

Gunther Piez