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@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars false positive in type declarations

There is one problem with @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars. So, we have type

type SomeType = (name: string) => void;

And we have @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars error in string with type declaration, which says 'name' is defined but never used.

example of type usage:

export const LogSomeInfo: SomeType = (name: string) => {
    const a = name;


interface CheckboxPropsType {
    value: string,
    onClick(value: string): void

And eslint breaks at onClick... string, saying that value is defined but never used. Even if type assigned correctly and actual onClick handler uses the value!

Question: What's wrong with this rule and why it triggers in this case. Why eslint recognizes type declaration for functions in types/interfaces as regular function? It's problem with my eslint config?

"eslint": "^7.7.0", "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^3.6.1", "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^4.0.1", "eslint-config-airbnb-typescript": "^9.0.0",

  "extends": [
  "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser",
  "parserOptions": {
    "ecmaFeatures": {
      "jsx": true
    "ecmaVersion": 2018,
    "sourceType": "module",
    "project": "./tsconfig.json"
  "settings": {
    "react": {
      "version": "detect"
  "plugins": ["@typescript-eslint", "react-hooks", "react"],
  "env": {
    "browser": true
  "rules": {
    "object-curly-newline": 0,
    "import/named": ["error"],
    "indent": ["error", 4],
    "react/jsx-indent": ["error", 4],
    "comma-dangle": ["error", "never"],
    "import/prefer-default-export": "off",
    "react/jsx-fragments": "off",
    "arrow-body-style": "off",
    "object-curly-spacing": "off",
    "@typescript-eslint/indent": ["error", 4, {"SwitchCase": 1}],
    "@typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types": "off",
    "no-undef": "error",
    "react/jsx-indent-props": ["error", 4],
    "max-len": ["error", { "code": 120 }],
    "react/prop-types": "off"

like image 707
Aleksandr Solovey Avatar asked Sep 06 '20 17:09

Aleksandr Solovey

2 Answers

Source: I am the maintainer of the typescript-eslint project.

If you update your versions of @typescript-eslint/parser and @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin to v4.1.0, you will be able to use the latest changes which make @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars work properly for all cases.

As an aside - using v3.x of the plugin but v4.x of the parser will put you into a really weird state with undefined and unsupported behaviour.

You should make sure you are always using the same version of both packages, as each version is released together.

like image 168
Brad Zacher Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 00:10

Brad Zacher

Similar question asked earlier check: Why ESLint throws 'no-unused-vars' for TypeScript interface?

Disable '@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars': 0 rule and instead use "strict": true, "noUnusedLocals": true, and "noUnusedParameters": true, in tsconfig.json

like image 27
Dolly Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 00:10
