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@selector() in Swift?

I'm trying to create an NSTimer in Swift but I'm having some trouble.

NSTimer(timeInterval: 1, target: self, selector: test(), userInfo: nil, repeats: true) 

test() is a function in the same class.

I get an error in the editor:

Could not find an overload for 'init' that accepts the supplied arguments

When I change selector: test() to selector: nil the error disappears.

I've tried:

  • selector: test()
  • selector: test
  • selector: Selector(test())

But nothing works and I can't find a solution in the references.

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Arbitur Avatar asked Jun 03 '14 05:06


People also ask

What is a selector in Swift?

Swift version: 5.6. Selectors are effectively the names of methods on an object or struct, and they are used to execute some code at runtime. They were common in Objective-C, but the earliest versions of Swift didn't include some core selector functionality so their use declined for a while.

What is IOS selector?

A selector is the name used to select a method to execute for an object, or the unique identifier that replaces the name when the source code is compiled. A selector by itself doesn't do anything. It simply identifies a method.

What is selector method?

A selector is an identifier which represents the name of a method. It is not related to any specific class or method, and can be used to describe a method of any class, whether it is a class or instance method. Simply, a selector is like a key in a dictionary.

What does @objc mean in Swift?

That's where the @objc attribute comes in: when you apply it to a class or method it instructs Swift to make those things available to Objective-C as well as Swift code.

How to construct a selector from a swift function type?

You can construct a Selector from a Swift function type using the #selector expression.

How do I pass arguments to a swift selector?

You don't pass arguments in selectors. You only represent that there is one with a colon. Additionally, you don't have to use the Selector type at all. If you pass in a String literal, it is converted to a Selector for you. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged ios function swift selector or ask your own question.

What is the use of selector in Xcode?

Using #selector will check your code at compile time to make sure the method you want to call actually exists. Even better, if the method doesn’t exist, you’ll get a compile error: Xcode will refuse to build your app, thus banishing to oblivion another possible source of bugs.

How do I use a function reference as a selector?

A function reference is checked by the Swift compiler, so you can use the #selector expression only with class/method pairs that actually exist and are eligible for use as selectors (see "Selector availability" below).

2 Answers

Swift itself doesn't use selectors — several design patterns that in Objective-C make use of selectors work differently in Swift. (For example, use optional chaining on protocol types or is/as tests instead of respondsToSelector:, and use closures wherever you can instead of performSelector: for better type/memory safety.)

But there are still a number of important ObjC-based APIs that use selectors, including timers and the target/action pattern. Swift provides the Selector type for working with these. (Swift automatically uses this in place of ObjC's SEL type.)

In Swift 2.2 (Xcode 7.3) and later (including Swift 3 / Xcode 8 and Swift 4 / Xcode 9):

You can construct a Selector from a Swift function type using the #selector expression.

let timer = Timer(timeInterval: 1, target: object,                   selector: #selector(MyClass.test),                   userInfo: nil, repeats: false) button.addTarget(object, action: #selector(MyClass.buttonTapped),                  for: .touchUpInside) view.perform(#selector(UIView.insertSubview(_:aboveSubview:)),              with: button, with: otherButton) 

The great thing about this approach? A function reference is checked by the Swift compiler, so you can use the #selector expression only with class/method pairs that actually exist and are eligible for use as selectors (see "Selector availability" below). You're also free to make your function reference only as specific as you need, as per the Swift 2.2+ rules for function-type naming.

(This is actually an improvement over ObjC's @selector() directive, because the compiler's -Wundeclared-selector check verifies only that the named selector exists. The Swift function reference you pass to #selector checks existence, membership in a class, and type signature.)

There are a couple of extra caveats for the function references you pass to the #selector expression:

  • Multiple functions with the same base name can be differentiated by their parameter labels using the aforementioned syntax for function references (e.g. insertSubview(_:at:) vs insertSubview(_:aboveSubview:)). But if a function has no parameters, the only way to disambiguate it is to use an as cast with the function's type signature (e.g. foo as () -> () vs foo(_:)).
  • There's a special syntax for property getter/setter pairs in Swift 3.0+. For example, given a var foo: Int, you can use #selector(getter: MyClass.foo) or #selector(setter: MyClass.foo).

General notes:

Cases where #selector doesn't work, and naming: Sometimes you don't have a function reference to make a selector with (for example, with methods dynamically registered in the ObjC runtime). In that case, you can construct a Selector from a string: e.g. Selector("dynamicMethod:") — though you lose the compiler's validity checking. When you do that, you need to follow ObjC naming rules, including colons (:) for each parameter.

Selector availability: The method referenced by the selector must be exposed to the ObjC runtime. In Swift 4, every method exposed to ObjC must have its declaration prefaced with the @objc attribute. (In previous versions you got that attribute for free in some cases, but now you have to explicitly declare it.)

Remember that private symbols aren't exposed to the runtime, too — your method needs to have at least internal visibility.

Key paths: These are related to but not quite the same as selectors. There's a special syntax for these in Swift 3, too: e.g. chris.valueForKeyPath(#keyPath(Person.friends.firstName)). See SE-0062 for details. And even more KeyPath stuff in Swift 4, so make sure you're using the right KeyPath-based API instead of selectors if appropriate.

You can read more about selectors under Interacting with Objective-C APIs in Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C.

Note: Before Swift 2.2, Selector conformed to StringLiteralConvertible, so you might find old code where bare strings are passed to APIs that take selectors. You'll want to run "Convert to Current Swift Syntax" in Xcode to get those using #selector.

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rickster Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 08:10


Here's a quick example on how to use the Selector class on Swift:

override func viewDidLoad() {     super.viewDidLoad()      var rightButton = UIBarButtonItem(title: "Title", style: UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain, target: self, action: Selector("method"))     self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = rightButton }  func method() {     // Something cool here    } 

Note that if the method passed as a string doesn't work, it will fail at runtime, not compile time, and crash your app. Be careful

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Oscar Swanros Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 08:10

Oscar Swanros