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@class for typedef enum?


People also ask

Can you typedef an enum?

Using the typedef and enum keywords we can define a type that can have either one value or another. It's one of the most important uses of the typedef keyword. This is the syntax of an enumerated type: typedef enum { //...

What is difference between typedef and enum?

enum defines a type name automatically, While in case of typedef we define a new data type which may be of any kind of data type so that we do not have declare it explicitly everytime.

How do you declare an enum in C++?

An enumeration is a user-defined data type that consists of integral constants. To define an enumeration, keyword enum is used. enum season { spring, summer, autumn, winter }; Here, the name of the enumeration is season .

How big is an enum in C?

The C standard specifies that enums are integers, but it does not specify the size. Once again, that is up to the people who write the compiler. On an 8-bit processor, enums can be 16-bits wide. On a 32-bit processor they can be 32-bits wide or more or less.

In one header file, I have something like:

// PasscodeInputViewController.h  typedef enum {     PasscodeInputModeOn,     // set passcode     PasscodeInputModeEnter,  // enter passcode     PasscodeInputModeChange, // change passcode     PasscodeInputModeOff     // turn off passcode } PasscodeInputMode; 

In another header file, I declare a method that takes an argument of type PasscodeInputMode:

#import "PasscodeInputViewController.h"  - (void)presentPasscodeInputWithMode:(PasscodeInputMode)mode; 

As you can see, I use #import "PasscodeInputViewController.h" as above so that PasscodeInputMode is recognized, but is there a @class equivalent for typedef enum?