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asyncio awaitable object - basic example


I'm trying to understand how to make an awaitable object. The definition from the documentation states:

An object with an __await__ method returning an iterator.

Guided by that definition I wrote the sample code:

import asyncio  async def produce_list():         num = await Customer()         print(num)  class Customer(object):      def __await__(self):         return iter([1, 2, 3, 4])  loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(produce_list()) 

The flow that I expected was:

  1. Event loop gives control to produce_list(). produce_list() gives up execution on num = await Customer().
  2. Customer() is executed and returns an iterator. Which because returns the first value in the iterator. Q1: am not clear here why num isn't becoming the iterator itself. Also what is doing a send here?
  3. Once the last value the iterator has been reached. num = 4 the execution of the coroutine continues to print(num), and prints the value 4.

What I got:

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last) ~/workspace/dashboard/so_question_await.py in <module>()      16       17 loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() ---> 18 loop.run_until_complete(produce_list())  /usr/lib/python3.5/asyncio/base_events.py in run_until_complete(self, future)     464             raise RuntimeError('Event loop stopped before Future completed.')     465  --> 466         return future.result()     467      468     def stop(self):  /usr/lib/python3.5/asyncio/futures.py in result(self)     291             self._tb_logger = None     292         if self._exception is not None: --> 293             raise self._exception     294         return self._result     295   /usr/lib/python3.5/asyncio/tasks.py in _step(***failed resolving arguments***)     239                 result = coro.send(None)     240             else: --> 241                 result = coro.throw(exc)     242         except StopIteration as exc:     243             self.set_result(exc.value)  ~/workspace/dashboard/so_question_await.py in produce_list()       5        6 async def produce_list(): ----> 7         num = await Customer()       8         print(num)       9   RuntimeError: Task got bad yield: 1 

What concepts have I gotten wrong here?

In the end I'm looking for an example that uses iteration through a list as an event to return to the control of the coroutine.

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TheMeaningfulEngineer Avatar asked Jun 28 '17 19:06


People also ask

How do you make an object Awaitable?

We can make our object directly awaitable by giving it an __await__ method. This method must return an iterator. When defining an async function the __await__ method is created for us, so we can create an async closure and use the __await__ method from that.

Which object are Awaitable in Python?

There are three main types of awaitable objects: coroutines, Tasks, and Futures. In this documentation the term “coroutine” can be used for two closely related concepts: a coroutine function: an async def function; a coroutine object: an object returned by calling a coroutine function.

How do I call a function asynchronously in Python?

In asyncio Coroutine can be created by using async keyword before def. To run an async function (coroutine) you have to call it using an Event Loop. Event Loops: You can think of Event Loop as functions to run asynchronous tasks and callbacks, perform network IO operations, and run subprocesses.

1 Answers

__await__ returns an iterator because the underlying mechanism for coroutines is originally based on the yield from syntax. In practice, __await__ returns either iter(some_future) or some_coroutine.__await__(). It can be used to create objects that produce different values every time they are awaited. See this simple example:

import asyncio import random  class RandomProducer:      def __await__(self):         return self.producer().__await__()      async def producer(self):         sleep = random.random()         value = random.randint(0, 9)         return await asyncio.sleep(sleep, result=value)  async def main():     producer = RandomProducer()     while True:         print(await producer)  loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(main()) 

To answer your comments:

Does every coroutine eventually ends up calling asyncio.sleep?

No, and asyncio.sleep is actually not the end of the chain. At the very bottom, it's always a future that is being yielded: the coroutine chain asks the event loop "please wake me up when this future has a result". In the case of asyncio.sleep, it uses loop.call_later to set the result of the future after a given amount of time. The loop provides more methods for scheduling callbacks: loop.call_at, loop.add_reader, loop.add_writer, loop.add_signal_handler, etc.

An asyncio library such as aiohttp. I'm assuming there is some code somewhere that doesn't rely on existence of previous coroutines.

All the IO operations have to end up delegating to the event loop in order to achieve single-threaded concurrency. For instance, aiohttp relies on the loop.create_connection coroutine to manage the TCP connection.

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Vincent Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 09:09
