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Async/Await with Request-Promise returns Undefined

I have two files; server.js and scrape.js, below are the code snippets as they currently stand.


const scrape = require("./scrape");

async function start() {
    const response = await scrape.start();


and scrape.js:

const cheerio = require("cheerio");
const request = require("request-promise");

go = async () => {

const options = {
  uri: "http://www.somewebsite.com/something",
  transform: function(body) {
    return cheerio.load(body);

  .then($ => {
    let scrapeTitleArray = [];
    $(".some-class-in-html").each(function(i, obj) {
      const data = $(this)
    return scrapeTitleArray;
  .catch(err => {

module.exports = {
  start: go

So when I spin up server.js, I return undefined to the console.log(response), when I actually want to return the array i've been pushing to, can you see where I'm going wrong?

like image 705
razki Avatar asked Nov 17 '17 00:11


People also ask

Does async await return a promise?

The behavior of async / await is similar to combining generators and promises. Async functions always return a promise. If the return value of an async function is not explicitly a promise, it will be implicitly wrapped in a promise.

Can we use promise and async await together?

Async/Await is used to work with promises in asynchronous functions. It is basically syntactic sugar for promises. It is just a wrapper to restyle code and make promises easier to read and use. It makes asynchronous code look more like synchronous/procedural code, which is easier to understand.

Does await work with promise?

The await operator is used to wait for a Promise and get its fulfillment value. It can only be used inside an async function or a JavaScript module.

What happens if you await a non promise?

This rule applies when the await operator is used on a non-Promise value. await operator pauses the execution of the current async function until the operand Promise is resolved. When the Promise is resolved, the execution is resumed and the resolved value is used as the result of the await .

1 Answers

You need to return something from your async function (a return inside a then does not return from the main function). Either a promise or something you await-ed.

Also, make sure to declare your go variable to avoid leaking it into the global space.

const go = async () => {

  const options = {
    uri: "http://www.somewebsite.com/something",
    transform: function(body) {
      return cheerio.load(body);

  return request(options)
    .then($ => {
      let scrapeTitleArray = [];
      $(".some-class-in-html").each(function(i, obj) {
        const data = $(this)
      return scrapeTitleArray;
    .catch(err => {

Since you are using an async function, you might want to take advantage of the await syntax also.

const go = async () => {

  const options = {
    uri: "http://www.somewebsite.com/something",
    transform: function(body) {
      return cheerio.load(body);

  try {
    const $ = await request(options);
    $(".some-class-in-html").each(function(i, obj) {
      const data = $(this)
    return scrapeTitleArray;
  catch (err) {
like image 53
Alexander O'Mara Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09

Alexander O'Mara