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async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Get VS HttpResponseMessage Get

I would need your help in the following. For nearly a month, I have been reading regarding Tasks and async .

I wanted to try to implement my new acquired knowledege, in a simple wep api project. I have the following methods and both of them working as expected:

 public HttpResponseMessage Get()
        var data = _userServices.GetUsers();
        return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, data);

public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Get()
        var data = _userServices.GetUsers();

        return await Task<HttpResponseMessage>.Factory.StartNew(() =>
           return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, data);

So the question. I have tried to use fiddler and see what is the difference between these two. The async one is little faster, but apart from that, what is the real benefit in implementing something like that in a web api?

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Veronica_Zotali Avatar asked Sep 18 '14 00:09


1 Answers

As others have pointed out, the point of async on ASP.NET is that it frees up one of the ASP.NET thread pool threads. This works great for naturally-asynchronous operations such as I/O-bound operations because that's one less thread on the server (there is no thread that is "processing" the async operation, as I explain on my blog). Thus, the primary benefit of async on the server side is scalability.

However, you want to avoid Task.Run (and, even worse, Task.Factory.StartNew) on ASP.NET. I call this "fake asynchrony" because they're just doing synchronous/blocking work on a thread pool thread. They're useful in UI apps where you want to push work off the UI thread so the UI remains responsive, but they should (almost) never be used on ASP.NET or other server apps.

Using Task.Run or Task.Factory.StartNew on ASP.NET will actually decrease your scalability. They will cause some unnecessary thread switches. For longer-running operations, you could end up throwing off the ASP.NET thread pool heuristics, causing additional threads to be created and later destroyed needlessly. I explore these performance problems step-by-step in another blog post.

So, you need to think about what each action is doing, and whether any of that should be async. If it should, then that action should be async. In your case:

public HttpResponseMessage Get()
  var data = _userServices.GetUsers();
  return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, data);

What exactly is Request.CreateResponse doing? It's just creating response object. That's it - just a fancy new. There's no I/O going on there, and it certainly isn't something that needs to be pushed off to a background thread.

However, GetUsers is much more interesting. That sounds more like a data read, which is I/O-based. If your backend can scale (e.g., Azure SQL / Tables / etc), then you should look at making that async first, and once your service is exposing a GetUsersAsync, then this action could become async too:

public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Get()
  var data = await _userServices.GetUsersAsync();
  return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, data);
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Stephen Cleary Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 22:10

Stephen Cleary