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ast python how to find connections between methods at different files

I want to index all methods and thee connections between them in an entire application (A directory with sub directories and files eventually). I'm using ast, looping over directories till individual files and then loads them into an ast object like so ast.parse(self.file_content)

The index that i'm trying to create is this connection

Here is my code, if it's relevant.

def scan(self):
        scans a file line by line while keeping context of location and classes
        indexes a file buffer content into a ast, Abstract Syntax Trees, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AST.
        Then, iterate over the elements, find relevant ones to index, and index them into the db.
    parsed_result = ast.parse(self.file_content)
    for element in parsed_result.body:
        results = self.index_element(element)

def index_element(self, element, class_name=None):

        if element is relevant, meaning method -> index
        if element is Class -> recursively call it self

    :param element:
    :param class_name:
    :return: [{insert_result: <db_insert_result>, 'structured_data': <method> object}, ...]
    # find classes
        # find methods inside classes
    # find hanging functions

    # validation on element type
    if self.should_index_element(element):
        if self.is_class_definition(element):
            class_element = element
            indexed_items = []
            for inner_element in class_element.body:
                # recursive call
                results = self.index_element(inner_element, class_name=class_element.name)
                indexed_items += results

            return indexed_items
            structured_data = self.structure_method_into_an_object(element, class_name=class_name)
            result_graph = self.dal_client.methods_graph.insert_or_update(structured_data)
            return "WhatEver"

    return "WhatEver"

My question is, is it possible to create this graph using ast. If yes, how? From my understanding, I currently can't since I'm loading one file at a time to the ast object and it is not aware of outside methods.

here is an example for 2 files that I want to link between them:


from sample_class_b import SampleClassB

sample_b = SampleClassB()

class SampleClassA(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.a = 1

    def test_call_to_another_function(self):
        return sample_b.test()


class SampleClassB(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.b = 1

    def test(self):
        return True
like image 622
Ohad Perry Avatar asked Aug 21 '18 18:08

Ohad Perry

Video Answer

1 Answers

You can traverse the ast.Ast tree and at each recursive call do one of four things:

  1. If the tree is a class definition, store the class name with its associated methods, and then apply Connections.walk to each of the methods, storing the class and method name in the scope.
  2. If the tree is an import statement, load the module and recursively run Connections.walk on it.
  3. If an attribute lookup is being made and Connections.walk is within a method, check if the attribute name is a method of any classes currently loaded. If so, add an edge to edges that links the current scope with this new method discovered.
  4. If none of the above occurs, continue to traverse the tree.

import ast, itertools
import re, importlib
class Connections:
   def __init__(self):
      self._classes, self.edges = {}, []
   def walk(self, tree, scope=None):
      t_obj = None
      if isinstance(tree, ast.ClassDef):
         self._classes[tree.name] = [i for i in tree.body if isinstance(i, ast.FunctionDef) and not re.findall('__[a-z]+__', i.name)]
         _ = [self.walk(i, [tree.name, i.name]) for i in self._classes[tree.name]]
         t_obj = [i for i in tree.body if i not in self._classes[tree.name]]
      elif isinstance(tree, (ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom)):
         for p in [tree.module] if hasattr(tree, 'module') else [i.name for i in tree.names]:
            with open(importlib.import_module(p).__file__) as f:
               t_obj = ast.parse(f.read())
      elif isinstance(tree, ast.Attribute) and scope is not None:
         if (c:=[a for a, b in self._classes.items() if any(i.name == tree.attr for i in b)]):
            self.edges.append((scope, [c[0], tree.attr]))
         t_obj = tree.value
      if isinstance(t_obj:=(tree if t_obj is None else t_obj), list):
         for i in t_obj:
            self.walk(i, scope = scope)
         for i in getattr(t_obj, '_fields', []):
            self.walk(getattr(t_obj, i), scope=scope)

with open('sample_a.py') as f:
   c = Connections()



[(['SampleClassA', 'test_call_to_another_function'], ['SampleClassB', 'test'])] 

Important note: depending on the complexity of the files you are running Connections.walk on, a RecursionError might occur. To circumvent this, here is a Gist that contains an iterative version of Connections.walk.

Creating a graph from edges:

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
g, labels, c1 = nx.DiGraph(), {}, itertools.count(1)
for m1, m2 in c.edges:
   if (p1:='.'.join(m1)) not in labels:
      labels[p1] = next(c1)
   if (p2:='.'.join(m2)) not in labels:
      labels[p2] = next(c1)
   g.add_edge(labels[p1], labels[p2])
nx.draw(g, pos, labels={b:a for a, b in labels.items()}, with_labels = True)


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like image 183
Ajax1234 Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 04:10
