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Assistant editor(Xcode 7.3) always showing interface file in storyboard , even when I choose manually

Even after deleting derived data many times, and trying other things, I am still facing this problem. Can you help me?

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pawansinghncr Avatar asked Aug 11 '16 14:08


4 Answers

You can try using the shortcut key instead, to open up the assistant editor.

Shortcut key: -

option + click on the file which you want to open up in the assistant editor

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Aashish Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 11:11


Guys I just stop dealing with this problem by changing the settings in xcode 9.2. And now i use Navigation Pane.

Here is how it works :

Ok now if you go to xcode -> preferences -> navigation and Choose the "Uses Focused Editor" as in the picture below.

enter image description here

Now you can manually select inside the Navigation Pane. Just click whichever page you would like to change and select in the Navigation Pane.

Here is a few screenshots :

enter image description here

enter image description here

Pictures shows code files but it works with everything you can click in the Navigation Pane.

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EFE Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 12:11


Try to drag and drop file from the Project Navigator into the path of the Assistant Editor as temporary fix. You also can click on this icon to bring recent files.

Try to clean your project, clean Build Folder, restart Xcode. Make sure the view controller in your Storyboard has correct custom class name.

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Boris Y. Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 12:11

Boris Y.

I think I know the problem you're having. I experience it too, but it's intermittent. Sometimes clicking Manual shows me the entire project folder and I can select the editable classes, but other times it only shows the interface versions of them, which aren't editable and cannot have IBOutlets dragged to them (you can tell b/c it'll say internal class and has less code). I have noticed that if I toggle back and forth between Automatic and Manual, I can usually get the editable class to appear. I also will toggle the assistant editor off, select a different View Controller or two on the storyboard, then go back to my original one, turn the Assistant Editor back on, and it starts working again.

There are other discussions of it here, here, and here. This suggestion of turning off indexing sounds intriguing and worth a try if the problem keeps reappearing. UPDATE: This trick with hitting the + and opening a 2nd file, then closing the interface file, worked great when I tried it just now.

Here are pics of how the Automatic side shows the actual file when the Manual side only shows the interface, which says internal next to class:

enter image description here

enter image description here

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James Toomey Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 12:11

James Toomey