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assignment operator vs. copy constructor C++


I have the following code to test out my understanding of basic pointers in C++:

// Integer.cpp
#include "Integer.h"
  value = new int;
  *value = 0;

Integer::Integer( int intVal )
  value = new int;
  *value = intVal;

  delete value;

Integer::Integer(const Integer &rhInt)
  value = new int;
  *value = *rhInt.value;

int Integer::getInteger() const
  return *value;

void Integer::setInteger( int newInteger )
  *value = newInteger;

Integer& Integer::operator=( const Integer& rhInt )
  *value = *rhInt.value;
  return *this;

// IntegerTest.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "Integer.h"

using namespace std;

void displayInteger( char* str, Integer intObj )
  cout << str << " is " << intObj.getInteger() << endl;

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
 Integer intVal1;
 Integer intVal2(10);

 displayInteger( "intVal1", intVal1 );
 displayInteger( "intVal2", intVal2 );

 intVal1 = intVal2;

 displayInteger( "intVal1", intVal1 );


This code works exactly as expected as is, it prints out:

intVal1 is 0

intVal2 is 10

intVal1 is 10

However if I remove the copy constructor it prints out something like:

intVal1 is 0

intVal2 is 10

intVal1 is 6705152

I don't understand why this is the case. My understanding is that the copy constructor is used when the assignment is to an object that doesn't exist. Here intVal1 does exist, so why isn't the assignment operator called?

like image 450
Lukas Bystricky Avatar asked Sep 23 '13 21:09

Lukas Bystricky

People also ask

What is difference between assignment operator and copy constructor?

The difference between a copy constructor and an assignment operator is that a copy constructor helps to create a copy of an already existing object without altering the original value of the created object, whereas an assignment operator helps to assign a new value to a data member or an object in the program.

What is the difference between the copy constructor and the assignment operator ie when will each of these functions be called and why?

The copy constructor initializes the new object with an already existing object. The assignment operator assigns the value of one object to another object both of which are already in existence.

What is a copy assignment constructor?

Copy constructor. Assignment operator. It is called when a new object is created from an existing object, as a copy of the existing object. This operator is called when an already initialized object is assigned a new value from another existing object. It creates a separate memory block for the new object.

What is the purpose of a copy assignment operator?

A trivial copy assignment operator makes a copy of the object representation as if by std::memmove. All data types compatible with the C language (POD types) are trivially copy-assignable.

2 Answers

The copy constructor is not used during assignment. Copy constructor in your case is used when passing arguments to displayInteger function. The second parameter is passed by value, meaning that it is initailized by copy contructor.

Your version of copy constructor performs deep copying of data owned by the class (just like your assignment operator does). So, everything works correctly with your version of copy constructor.

If you remove your own copy constructor, the compiler will generate one for you implicitly. The compiler-generated copy constructor will perform shallow copying of the object. This will violate the "Rule of Three" and destroy the functionality of your class, which is exactly what you observe in your experiment. Basically, the first call to displayInteger damages your intVal1 object and the second call to displayInteger damages your intVal2 object. After that both of your objects are broken, which is why the third displayInteger call displays garbage.

If you change the declaration of displayInteger to

void displayInteger( char* str, const Integer &intObj )

your code will "work" even without an explicit copy constructor. But it is not a good idea to ignore the "Rule of Three" in any case. A class implemented in this way either has to obey the "Rule of Three" or has to be made non-copyable.

like image 196
AnT Avatar answered Dec 21 '22 23:12


The problem you're experiencing is caused by the default copy constructor, which copies the pointer but doesn't associate it with newly allocated memory (like your implementation of copy constructor does). When you pass object by value, a copy is created and when the execution goes out of scope, this copy is destructed. delete from the destructor invalidates the value pointer of intVal1 object, making it dangling pointer, dereferencing of which causes undefined behavior.

Debug outputs might be used to understand the behavior of your code:

class Integer {

    Integer() {
      cout << "ctor" << endl;
      value = new int;
      *value = 0;

    ~Integer() {
        cout << "destructor" << endl;
        delete value;

    Integer(int intVal) {
      cout << "ctor(int)" << endl;
      value = new int;
      *value = intVal;

    Integer(const Integer &rhInt) {
      cout << "copy ctor" << endl;
      value = new int;
      *value = *rhInt.value;

    Integer& operator=(const Integer& rhInt){   
      cout << "assignment" << endl;
      *value = *rhInt.value;
      return *this;

    int *value;

void foo(Integer intObj) {
    cout << intObj.value << " " << *(intObj.value) << endl;

Now output of this code:

Integer intVal1;
Integer intVal2(10);

foo( intVal1 );
foo( intVal2 );

intVal1 = intVal2;

foo( intVal1 );


copy ctor
0x9ed4028 0
copy ctor
0x9ed4038 10
copy ctor
0x9ed4048 10

which shows that copy constructor is used when passing objects by value. However, important to notice here is the destructor called upon the return from your function. And if you remove your implementation of copy constructor, then the output is:

0x8134008 0
0x8134018 10
0x8134008 135479296

showing that the first copy called delete on the same pointer (pointing to 0x8134008) as was used by third copy later, where the memory pointed by this dangling pointer has been used.

like image 36
LihO Avatar answered Dec 21 '22 22:12
