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Assigning users to tasks in Visual Studio Team Services


I've just joined my friend's Team Services account (free for the first 5 users account). If I visit the home page (https://XXXXXXX.visualstudio.com/Development/Development%20Team), I can see us both listed as Team Members. I can create backlog items/tasks and assign them to myself. My friend can create backlog items/tasks and assign them to himself. However, we can't assign each other.

Why could this be and any suggestions on how to resolve this?

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Bhav Avatar asked Sep 23 '16 19:09


People also ask

Can you assign a task to a group in teams?

You can assign up to 11 people to a task. They will all see the task in their Assigned to you list when they open Tasks. When any team member marks a task “Complete”, it is marked complete for all team members.

How do you assign tasks to people in Microsoft?

In To Do on Windows, you can assign tasks while creating them. Type @ in the task entry field, then type a list member's name to assign them the task you're adding. Note: moving tasks assigned to someone between lists will remove assignments. You'll need to re-assign the tasks you move to another list.

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Knowledge BaseIn the Choose Assignees modal, you can then select multiple individuals to assign to the task. You can also assign the task to companies or teams by selecting the relevant checkboxes in the People or Teams tabs. Click Update to apply the selected assignees to the task.

2 Answers

In the Assign To dropdown list of a work item, it shows a list of most recently used users.

Because you have just joined VSTS and never assigned work items to others, you could only see yourself in the dropdown list. To assign your work item to your friends, you could search his username at Assign To textbox.

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Tingting0929 Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 22:10


In VSTS, if you do not see the user in the AssignTo drop down list to assign a user to a project Task, you just need to take a few more steps.

  1. I don't see the user I want to assign the task to, in the assign to dropdown. I only see myself

  2. all you need to do, is type a few letters of the person you want to assign the task to, in the dropdown box. You will see a little search magnifying glass

  3. if you click the search magnifying glass, you will see the list of users in your VSTS domain.

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David Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 22:10
