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Assigning list attributes in an environment




The title is the self-contained question. An example clarifies it: Consider

x=list(a=1, b="name")
f <- function(){
    assign('y[["d"]]', FALSE, parent.frame() )
g <- function(y) {f(); print(y)}


[1] 1

[1] "name"

whereas I would like to get


[1] 1

[1] "name"


A few remarks. I knew what is wrong in my original example, but am using it to make clear my objective. I want to avoid <<-, and want x to be changed in the parent frame.

I think my understanding of environments is primitive, and any references are appreciated.

like image 645
gappy Avatar asked Jul 16 '11 02:07


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1 Answers

The first argument to assign must be a variable name, not the character representation of an expression. Try replacing f with:

f <- function() with(parent.frame(), y$d <- FALSE)

Note that a, b and d are list components, not list attributes. If we wanted to add an attribute "d" to y in f's parent frame we would do this:

f <- function() with(parent.frame(), attr(y, "d") <- FALSE)

Also, note that depending on what you want to do it may (or may not) be better to have x be an environment or a proto object (from the proto package).

like image 156
G. Grothendieck Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

G. Grothendieck