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Assigning a binary constant

Is there a way to assign a binary value to a VB variable? All of the obvious choices don't work. I've tried prefixing with &B, appending with b but nothing seems to work. I'm not having much luck searching for it either. I don't need this for my application, but I'm rather, just curious so alternate solutions are not necessary.

[Edit] For clarification, what I was looking for (which does not appear to be possible) was how to assign a literal binary number to a variable, in a similar manner in which you can assign a hex or octal number. I was just looking for a more visually engaging way to assign values to a flag enum.


Dim num as Integer = &H100ABC       'Hex'
Dim num2 as Integer = &O123765      'Octal'

Dim myFantasy as Integer = &B1000   'What I would like to be able to do'
Dim myReality as Integer = 2 ^ 3    'What I ended up doing'
like image 617
Wes P Avatar asked Mar 18 '09 20:03

Wes P

People also ask

How are binary values assigned?

To assign value in binary format to a variable, we use the 0b suffix. It tells the compiler that the value (suffixed with 0b) is a binary value and assigns it to the variable. Note: To print value in binary format, we use bin() function.

How do you assign a binary number in C++?

Binary value can be assigned in a variable by using "0b" notation (we can say it format specifier too), this is a new feature which was introduced in C99 (not a standard feature, some compilers may not support this feature).

How do you declare a binary variable in Java?

To specify a binary literal, add the prefix 0b or 0B to the integral value. So, we can express binary digits in a program by assigning them to variables, and the output of those variables after executing the program will be decimal digits.

How do you declare a binary value in Python?

In Python, using binary numbers takes a few more steps than using decimal numbers. When you enter a binary number, start with the prefix '0b' (that's a zero followed by a minuscule b). 0b11 is the same as binary 11, which equates to a decimal 3.

1 Answers

I might stab myself after this one:

Convert.ToInt32("1100101", 2);

On a more serious note (noticing that you have updated the question), for flag enums what you may want is the left shift operator (<<):

Dim myReality as Integer          = 1 << 0   // 1
Dim myAlternateReality as Integer = 1 << 1   // 2
Dim myParallelUniverse as Integer = 1 << 2   // 4

and so on up to 31.

like image 104
John Rasch Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 04:09

John Rasch