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Assertion Failed: ArrayProxy expects an Array or Ember.ArrayProxy, but you passed object



This is my code


import Ember from "ember";

var TodosController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({

actions: {

createTodo: function(){

  // Get the todo title by the "New Todo" input 
  var title = this.get('newTitle');
  if(!title.trim()){ return; }

  // Create the new Todo model
  var todo = this.store.createRecord('todo', {
    title: title,
    isCompleted: false

  // Clear the 'New Todo' input field
  this.set('newTitle', '');

  // Save the new model

clearCompleted: function(){
  var completed = this.filterBy('isCompleted', true);

remaining: function() {
return this.filterBy('isCompleted', false).get('length');

inflection: function() {
var remaining = this.get('remaining');
return remaining === 1 ? 'todo' : 'todos';

hasCompleted: function(){
return this.get('completed') > 0;

completed: function(){
return this.filterBy('isCompleted', true).get('length');

allAreDone: function(key, value) {
if(value === undefined){
  return !!this.get('length') && this.everyProperty('isCompleted', true);
} else {
  this.setEach('isCompleted', value);
  return value;


export default TodosController;


In terminal not showing any error when i run this command

$ ember server

but in browser not showing any thing and console showing this error

Uncaught Error: Assertion Failed: ArrayProxy expects an Array or Ember.ArrayProxy, but you passed object

Please suggest me what i m doing wrong, the code is also on github : https://github.com/narayand4/emberjs

thanks in advance.

like image 942
Durgesh Narayan Avatar asked Aug 17 '14 16:08

Durgesh Narayan

2 Answers

The most likely reason for this is that you have a controller which extends from Ember.ArrayController while you only return a plain object in the corresponding model. I had the same issue and changed my controller to extend Ember.Controller instead.

like image 167
vanthome Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 20:11


In the related route for this controller, your model method doesn't return an array, as you've indicated by extending an arrayController.

like image 40
Thock Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 20:11
