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ASP.NET: Your most used httpmodules [closed]

Interested in description of your most used ASP.NET httpmodules that solved a specific problem for your webapp.
Best practices and in-the-field usages are welcome.

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Kb. Avatar asked Feb 07 '09 15:02


People also ask

What are Httphandlers and Httpmodules and difference between them?

HttpHandler is responsible for handling http request by extension while HttpModule is responding to application life cycle events. Show activity on this post. “Modules are called before and after the handler executes. Modules enable developers to intercept, participate in, or modify each individual request.

What is the use of Httphandlers when to use this?

An HTTPhandler may be defined as an end point that is executed in response to a request and is used to handle specific requests based on extensions. The ASP.Net runtime engine selects the appropriate handler to serve an incoming request based on the file extension of the request URL.

2 Answers

ELMAH is very popular and useful for exception logging in ASP.NET applications.

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Canavar Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 02:09


MBCompression: handlers and modules to compress Css files, JavaScript files, pages and WebResource.axd.

I use it in environments where I don't have full control of the server and native IIS compression is not possible.

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Christian C. Salvadó Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 01:09

Christian C. Salvadó