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ASP.NET Stress Testing


Is there a way to test an application where you simulate a hundred different clients connecting to a IIS server and asking the same data? At the customer where our project is running they have 400 computers and they often do stress tests with all computers. I on the other hand have only got my laptop... (and a development server).

(In my case the data is asked through a WebORB Gateway).

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Lieven Cardoen Avatar asked Nov 18 '08 17:11

Lieven Cardoen

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Can JMeter be used for .NET applications?

Since Microsoft discontinued their cloud-based load testing services, developers need a new way to test applications. Julio Sampaio demonstrates how use one solution, JMeter. You created a brand-new API developed on the REST principles and set up under the ASP.NET world.

Does JMeter support C#?

Show activity on this post. i don't think you can use jmeter this way, you might have to convert your program web-based (i.e use of asp.net by integrating your c# code, web page may take input and pass it to c# code). once you have url of your application then you can use jmeter to create http request.

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2 Answers

  • HP (formerly Mercury) LoadRunner or Performance Center
  • Visual Studio Application Center Test (Enterprise Editions only?)
  • Microsoft Web Application Stress Tool (aka WAST, aka "Homer"; predecessor to Application Center Test)
  • RadView WebLoad
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Patrick Cuff Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09

Patrick Cuff

ab is a tool that was designed for Apache, but you can use it with IIS.

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Tom Ritter Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09

Tom Ritter