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ASP.Net MVC RouteData and arrays


If I have an Action like this:

public ActionResult DoStuff(List<string> stuff) {    ...    ViewData["stuff"] = stuff;    ...    return View(); } 

I can hit it with the following URL:


But in my ViewPage, I have this code:

<%= Html.ActionLink("click here", "DoMoreStuff", "MoreStuffController", new { stuff = ViewData["stuff"] }, null) %> 

Unfortunately, MVC is not smart enough to recognize that the action takes an array, and unrolls the list to form the proper url route. instead it just does a .ToString() on the object which just lists the data type in the case of a List.

Is there a way to get Html.ActionLink to generate a proper URL when one of the destination Action's parameters is an array or list?

-- edit --

As Josh pointed out below, ViewData["stuff"] is just an object. I tried to simplify the problem but instead caused an unrelated bug! I'm actually using a dedicated ViewPage<T> so I have a tightly coupled type aware Model. The ActionLink actually looks like:

<%= Html.ActionLink("click here", "DoMoreStuff", "MoreStuffController", new { stuff = ViewData.Model.Stuff }, null) %> 

Where ViewData.Model.Stuff is typed as a List