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ASP.NET MVC REST frameworks

There are number of REST frameworks around for ASP.NET MVC. Which one is the most mature in your opinion? Following are few I briefly looked at, but I couldn't decide.

  1. Snooze

  2. BistroMVC

  3. Restful Service with WCF

  4. OpenRasta

  5. Siesta

  6. REST support build in ASP.Net MVC SDK

.... there are few more.

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patelsan Avatar asked Jan 22 '11 19:01


People also ask

Is MVC is REST framework?

Secondly MVC is just a way of structuring server side code. It really has nothing to do with REST/HTTP.

What is the difference between MVC and REST API?

MVC is about how the inner side of your app works. REST is about how your app "talks" with other apps. You can combine them.

Is ASP Net Web API RESTful?

ASP.NET Web API is an ideal platform for building RESTful services.

Is ASP.NET MVC deprecated?

ASP.NET MVC is no longer in active development.

1 Answers

Personally I would go with the default ASP.NET routing engine which is built and supported by Microsoft. This will ensure that you won't find yourself one day into the position of having to migrate some code which has become obsolete because the authors simply decided to abandon the project. Of course if there is something specific that you want to implement which isn't supported out of the box you could search for alternatives. But as far as exposing a RESTful API is concerned the routing engine should work just fine.

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Darin Dimitrov Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09

Darin Dimitrov