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asp.net MVC RC1 RenderPartial ViewDataDictionary


I'm trying to pass a ViewData object from a master page to a view user control using the ViewDataDictionary.

The problem is the ViewDataDictionary is not returning any values in the view user control whichever way I try it.

The sample code below is using an anonymous object just for demonstration although neither this method or passing a ViewData object works.

Following is the RenderPartial helper method I'm trying to use:

<% Html.RenderPartial("/Views/Project/Projects.ascx", ViewData.Eval("Projects"), new ViewDataDictionary(new { Test = "Mark" })); %> 

and in my view user control i do the following:

<%= Html.Encode(ViewData["Test"]) %> 

Why does this not return anything?

Thanks for your help.


I'm able to pass and access the strongly typed model without any problems. it's the ViewDataDictionary which I'm trying to use to pass say just a single value outside of the model...

like image 767
Mark79 Avatar asked Jan 30 '09 12:01


People also ask

What is ViewDataDictionary in MVC?

In MVC, when we want to transfer the data from the controller to view, we use ViewData. It is a dictionary type that stores the data internally. ViewData contains key-value pairs which means each key must be a string in a dictionary. The only limitation of ViewData is, it can transfer data from controller to view.

How do I pass ViewData in partial view?

You're almost there, just call it like this: Html. RenderPartial( "ProductImageForm", image, new ViewDataDictionary { { "index", index } } ); Note that this will override the default ViewData that all your other Views have by default.

What is ViewBag and ViewData?

ViewData is a dictionary of objects that is derived from ViewDataDictionary class and accessible using strings as keys. ViewBag is a dynamic property that takes advantage of the new dynamic features in C# 4.0. ViewData requires typecasting for complex data type and check for null values to avoid error.

How do you use partial views?

To create a partial view, right-click on view -> shared folder and select Add -> View option. In this way we can add a partial view. It is not mandatory to create a partial view in a shared folder but a partial view is mostly used as a reusable component, it is a good practice to put it in the "shared" folder.

1 Answers

This is the neatest way I've seen to do this:

<% Html.RenderPartial("/Views/Project/Projects.ascx", Model, new ViewDataDictionary{{"key","value"}});%> 

It may be a little hackish, but it let's you send the model through AND some extra data.

like image 58
Alan Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09
