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Where can I find some good pointers on best practices for running ASP.NET MVC on IIS6?

I haven't seen any realistic options for web-hosts who provide IIS7-hosting yet. Mostly because I don't live in the U.S.

So I was wondering on how you best build applications in ASP.NET MVC and make it easily available to deploy on both IIS6 and IIS7. Keep in mind that this is for standard web-hosts, so there is no access to ISAPI-filters or special settings inside IIS6.

Are there anything else one should think about when developing ASP.NET MVC-applications to target IIS6? Any functions that doesn't work?

UPDATE: One of the bigger issues is the thing with routes. The pattern {controller}/{action} will work on IIS7, but not IIS6 which needs {controller}.mvc/{action}. So how do I make this transparent? Again, no ISAPI and no IIS-settings, please.