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ASP.net MVC core RedirectToPage error - specify root relative path error

I want to redirect to a razor page from a normal controller action like this:

return RedirectToPage("Edit", new { id = blogId });

I have already a razor page named "Edit" which is working when navigating to it normally: enter image description here

With RedirectToPage I get the following error:

InvalidOperationException: The relative page path 'Edit' can only be used while executing a Razor Page. Specify a root relative path with a leading '/' to generate a URL outside of a Razor Page.

Any idea how to specify that path?

like image 244
Pinte Dani Avatar asked Jun 27 '18 09:06

Pinte Dani

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1 Answers

The error already gave you the answer: You should add the leading '/' at the start and specify a relative path to your razor page. So you should have

return RedirectToPage("/BlogPosts/Edit", new { id = blogId });

Instead of

return RedirectToPage("Edit", new { id = blogId });

Notice the difference between "/BlogPosts/Edit" and "Edit". RedirectToPage method expects a path to your razor page (based on your image the relative path is "/BlogPosts/Edit") starting to the root folder which is Pages by default.

Note: Starting with Razor Pages 2.0.0, redirecting to "sibling" pages works as well. In other words, if you have a page at /BlogPosts/View, it could redirect to /BlogPosts/Edit with RedirectToPage("Edit", new { id = blogId }), without specifying a rooted path.

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CodeNotFound Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 02:10
