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ASP.Net Core WebAPI - No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource


I'm encountering an issue with CORS while using IAsyncResourceFilter implementation. I want to be able to call my actions from other domains as well...

I've defined the CORS policy under my Startup file as the following:

services.AddCors(options =>
    builder =>

And under the Configure method:


It works fine without using a TypeFilterAttribute which use IAsyncResourceFilter.

For example calling my API action without any TypeFilterAttribute attribute works:

public bool Get()
    return true;

But when adding my TypeFilterAttribute as follows it doesn't work and returns the error about the CORS:

public bool Get()
    return true;

Anything I'm missing? What should I add when using IAsyncResourceFilter?

The following is the MyTypeFilterAttribute code: (With no real logic...)

public class MyTypeFilterAttribute : TypeFilterAttribute
    public MyTypeFilterAttribute(params string[] name) : base(typeof(MyTypeFilterAttributeImpl))
        Arguments = new[] { new MyTypeRequirement(name) };

    private class MyTypeFilterAttributeImpl: Attribute, IAsyncResourceFilter
        private readonly MyTypeRequirement_myTypeRequirement;

        public MyTypeFilterAttributeImpl(MyTypeRequirement myTypeRequirement)
            _myTypeRequirement= myTypeRequirement;

        public async Task OnResourceExecutionAsync(ResourceExecutingContext context, ResourceExecutionDelegate next)
            context.Result = new OkResult();

            await next();

public class MyTypeRequirement : IAuthorizationRequirement
    public string Name { get; }

    public MyTypeRequirement(string name)
        Name = name;
like image 424
Tomer Peled Avatar asked Apr 30 '17 09:04

Tomer Peled

1 Answers

Cors middleware sets headers on the response result object.

I believe you are resetting these with context.Result = new OkResult();

See poke's reply below. If you set any result in an action filter, this result gets sent back immediately, thus overwriting any other one!

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Mardoxx Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 10:09
