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AspNet core web Api usage of ApiControllerAttribute

When I create a new controller in the API project, it generates a controller class with [ApiController] attribute, like this:

public class TestController : ControllerBase

I've seen a few webapi projects where usage of this attribute is omitted. Microsoft documentation here says:

Indicates that a type and all derived types are used to serve HTTP API responses. The presence of this attribute can be used to target conventions, filters and other behaviors based on the purpose of the controller.

But still, I don't get the idea. Can someone explain what is the purpose of this attribute with the real-life example?

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Jack Sparrow Avatar asked Dec 02 '18 11:12

Jack Sparrow

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ASP.NET Web API is a framework that makes it easy to build HTTP services that reach a broad range of clients, including browsers and mobile devices. ASP.NET Web API is an ideal platform for building RESTful applications on the . NET Framework. 132.0M. Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Owin.

1 Answers

This is well-explained in the docs: Annotation with ApiController attribute, which explains that adding the [ApiController] attribute to a controller does the following:

  1. Automatic HTTP 400 responses

    Adds an action filter that returns a 400 response if ModelState.IsValid is false.

  2. Binding source parameter inference

    Changes model-binding conventions. For example, [FromBody] is inferred for complex-type parameters.

  3. Multipart/form-data request inference

    Infers a Content-Type of multipart/form-data for parameters marked with [FromForm].

  4. Attribute routing requirement

    Mandates that all actions must be attribute-routed.

You can see how this is actually done in the source:

foreach (var actionModel in controllerModel.Actions)
    if (!isApiController && !actionModel.Attributes.OfType<IApiBehaviorMetadata>().Any())

    EnsureActionIsAttributeRouted(controllerHasSelectorModel, actionModel);

If you're not interested in any of the features described above, you can omit the attribute. It's also possible to suppress individual features by configuring the ApiBehaviorOptions class.

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Kirk Larkin Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 20:10

Kirk Larkin