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ASP.NET Core OData entity with private setters on properties

I have this entity:

    public int Id { get; private set; }
    public string Name { get; private set; }
    public Behavior Behavior { get; private set; }

    public Product(int id, string name, Behavior behavior)
        Id = id;
        Name = name;
        Behavior = behavior;

In startup method I'm registering the EdmModel :

        var builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
        var entitySet = builder.EntitySet<Product>("Products");
        entitySet.EntityType.HasKey(x => x.Id);

        var model = builder.GetEdmModel();

        app.UseMvc(route =>
            route.MapODataServiceRoute("odata", null, model);

When I'm running my app, this exception occurs:

         InvalidOperationException: The entity 'Product' does not have a key 

If I change private setter to public all is working. Also others properties with private setters are giving: ODataException Product does not contain property with name 'Name'. How can I solve it ?

like image 993
Nicu Besliu Avatar asked Aug 13 '18 09:08

Nicu Besliu

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1 Answers

the question is quite old, I stumbled across the same issue now. Scalar properties (i.e. int, string, bool) with private setters are not recognized by the ODataConventionModelBuilder, even though it recognizes collections with private setters.

I could solve the problem using EntityTypeConfiguration<T> obtained via the model builder:

public class Article
    public string ArticleNr { get; private set; }
    public string SomeProperty { get; private set; }

var builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();

var articleBuilder = builder.EntityType<Article>();
articleBuilder.HasKey(a => a.ArticleNr);
articleBuilder.Property(a => a.SomeProperty);


var model = builder.GetEdmModel();

This is giving me a model that can be built, it recognizes the key in spite of its private setter and I can also issue queries against SomeProperty. But this way every property must be registered explicitly using a call to Property which seems very error prone when adding new properties. I think it should be able to write a custom convention for it, but I have not tried this so far.

like image 153
Tobias Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 04:10
