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AspectJ Maven Plugin cannot compile my project

I try to use aspectj maven plugin for compile project with aspectj compiler and then I try to package classes into "war" file. Unfortunately, it doesn't work with following configuration (pom.xml):




After mvn clean install I see following exceptions:

[INFO] --- aspectj-maven-plugin:1.7:compile (default) @ tvbs-portlet ---
[INFO] Showing AJC message detail for messages of types: [error, warning, fail]
[ERROR] Missing message: configure.incompatibleComplianceForSource in: org.aspectj.ajdt.ajc.messages
    <unknown source file>:<no line information>

[ERROR] no sources specified
    <unknown source file>:<no line information>

[ERROR] AspectJ Compiler 1.8.2

    Usage: <options> <source file | @argfile>..

AspectJ-specific options:
    -inpath <list>      use classes in dirs and jars/zips in <list> as source

Could anybody suggest me some solution?

like image 758
dmitrievanthony Avatar asked Nov 11 '14 11:11


3 Answers

It seems like a known issue http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MASPECTJ-125

You can fix it by adding the following to your pom file.

like image 149
codelion Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 17:11


Having looked at your Maven project https://github.com/dmitrievanthony/test-aspectj I found out that

  • the problem is totally unrelated to AspectJ Maven Plugin,
  • the same compilation errors also occur in Maven Compiler Plugin and
  • that the root cause of your problem is simply bad dependency management.

Here is a screenshot (full size here) from IntelliJ IDEA's "find class":

Class LockModeType is found 3x in the project

As you can see, class LockModeType is found in 3 (three!) dependencies, one of which contains a version of the class which does not contain the expected enum values. Your code compiles if you remove this dependency.


Maybe you should clean up your dependencies. You can use the Maven Dependency Plugin with goals like dependency:analyze and dependency:tree for that purpose.

like image 25
kriegaex Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 15:11


It will be work after change plugin configuration to following:


But after this I get a lot of different compilation errors:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:aspectj-maven-plugin:1.6:compile (default) on project tvbs-portlet: Compiler errors:
[ERROR] error at Entitle.class, entitleId, LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE);
[ERROR] /Users/<...>/ejb/BillingEJB.java:43:0::0 PESSIMISTIC_WRITE cannot be resolved or is not a field
[ERROR] error at .createQuery("select e from Entitle e " +
[ERROR] /Users/<...>/ejb/EntitleEJB.java:62:0::0 The method createQuery(String) in the type EntityManager is not applicable for the arguments (String, Class<Entitle>)
[ERROR] error at return entityManager.createQuery(
[ERROR] ^^

Can cause is incorrect aspectj plugin parameters?

like image 1
dmitrievanthony Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 17:11
