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ASP .NET WebAPI Route Data Schema

Currently, we are using a route like this:

public async Task<dynamic> Upload(dynamic uploadedData)
    JArray files = uploadedData.pdfs;
    // ...

Rather than using dynamic, I'd like to have a schematic understanding of the data coming in. So I could use a setup like this, with a class that defines the schema:

public class UploadRequest : JObject
    public JArray pdfs { get; set; }

public async Task<dynamic> Upload(UploadRequest uploadedData)
    // Now can access the JArray via uploadedData.pdfs directly
    // ...

Is this the right approach to this situation? Or is there another standard best practice for receiving JSON data via ASP .NET WebAPI?

Specifically, this approach doesn't currently work. Though my small schema class extends JObject, I get an error of

The parameters dictionary contains an invalid entry for parameter 'uploadedData' for method 'System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[System.Object] Upload(UploadRequest)' in 'EditPdfServer.Controllers.PdfFileController'. The dictionary contains a value of type 'Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject', but the parameter requires a value of type 'EditPdfServer.Controllers.PdfFileController+UploadRequest'.

So firstly, does this seem like a proper approach? Secondly, is there a better one? Thirdly, why doesn't this approach work? Thanks in advance.

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Scotty H Avatar asked Nov 04 '15 16:11

Scotty H

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1 Answers

You're on track.

You don't need to be overly concerned with the internal implementation of Newtonsoft.Json. In particular, you should try to avoid using JObject/JToken/other J-types, and you definitely don't need to subclass JObject.

Your request object class can simply be:

public class UploadRequest
    public SomePDFClass PDFs[] { get; set; }

This would map to a request of:

    "pdfs": [
        { <some PDF object here> },
        { <some PDF object here> },
        { <some PDF object here> }

The string parameter of JSONPropertyAttribute defines the name of the property as it appears in the JSON document, so you don't need to have the same name in code as you do in JSON. You can change the name in code, so long as the attribute still uses the same name as the document.

like image 152
yaakov Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 15:10
