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asio lambda with unique_ptr capture

I am using asio standalone 1.10.6 and vs2015 rc.

The vs2015 support unique_ptr capture. So I wrote some code looks like:

auto data = std::make_unique<std::string>("abc");
auto buffer = asio::buffer(data->c_str(), data->size());
asio::async_write(s, buffer, [data = std::move(data)](
  const asio::error_code& error, size_t byte_transferred) mutable {
  do_something(std::move(data), error, byte_transferred);

But when I compile the code, the compiler said:

error C2280: .... attempting to reference a deleted function

As my understand, it said that I try to copy the lambda, and because the lambda capture a std::unique_ptr, so it is noncopyable.

What make me confused is why the asio want to copy the lambda but not move the lambda.

What's wrong with my code? How to workaround it?


The full code is:

void do_something(std::unique_ptr<std::string> data) { }

void compile_failed() {
  asio::io_service io_service;
  asio::ip::tcp::socket s(io_service);

  auto data = std::make_unique<std::string>("abc");
  auto buffer = asio::buffer(data->c_str(), data->size());

  asio::async_write(s, buffer, [data = std::move(data)](const asio::error_code& error,
    size_t byte_transferred) mutable {

template<typename T > struct lambda_evil_wrap {
  mutable T ptr_;
  lambda_evil_wrap(T&& ptr) : ptr_(std::forward< T>(ptr)) {}
  lambda_evil_wrap(lambda_evil_wrap const& other) : ptr_(std::move(other.ptr_)) {}
  lambda_evil_wrap & operator=(lambda_evil_wrap& other) = delete;

void compile_success_but_very_danger() {
  asio::io_service io_service;
  asio::ip::tcp::socket s(io_service);

  auto data = std::make_unique<std::string>("abc");
  auto buffer = asio::buffer(data->c_str(), data->size());

  lambda_evil_wrap<std::unique_ptr<std::string>> wrapper(std::move(data));
  asio::async_write(s, buffer, [wrapper](const asio::error_code& error,
    size_t byte_transferred) mutable {

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    return 0;

As the code, if I wrapped the unique_ptr to a copyable object, compile is OK. But the lambda_evil_wrap::lambda_evil_wrap(lambda_evil_wrap const& a) is really suck and unsafe. I do not know if asio author wrote some code looks like:

Handler handler2(handler);
handler(...); // Crash here
like image 220
alpha Avatar asked Jun 11 '15 11:06


1 Answers

The error in the original code is that the handler fails to meet the Handler type requirement as it is not CopyConstructible:

A handler must meet the requirements of CopyConstructible types (C++ Std, 20.1.3).

As noted in Boost.Asio's C++11 support for movable handlers, where possible, Boost.Asio will prefer a move constructor over a copy constructor, but the handler must still be copy constructible:

[...] Boost.Asio's implementation will use a handler's move constructor in preference to its copy constructor. In certain circumstances, Boost.Asio may be able to eliminate all calls to a handler's copy constructor. However, handler types are still required to be copy constructible.

To resolve the issue, one may consider using std::shared_ptr instead of std::unique_ptr, causing the lambda to be copy constructible.

like image 107
Tanner Sansbury Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

Tanner Sansbury