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Arrow function syntax in React stateless components

I've recently discovered the joy of stateless components. For instance, this makes me quite happy (and it works):

import { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';

export default function ClassroomsOverview(props, context) {
  return (
      <p>{context.classrooms.data.length} Classrooms.</p>
      <p>{context.classrooms.members.length} Students</p>

ClassroomsOverview.contextTypes = {
  classrooms: PropTypes.object

I would be even happier if I could make the same component work with E6 arrow function syntax, like so:

import { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';

const ClassroomsOverview = (props, context) => (
      <p>{context.classrooms.data.length} Classrooms.</p>
      <p>{context.classrooms.members.length} Students</p>

ClassroomsOverview.contextTypes = {
  classrooms: PropTypes.object

I've followed this video, but I can't get the arrow syntax version to work.

Can anybody point out what I'm doing wrong please?

like image 426
U r s u s Avatar asked Mar 16 '16 13:03

U r s u s

1 Answers

You're missing the export declaration. Add this to your module:

export {ClassroomsOverview as default}

I would however recommend using the export default syntax with the function declaration.

like image 158
Bergi Avatar answered Dec 12 '22 22:12
