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Arrow function should not return assignment?

My code is working correctly in the app however, my eslint isn't liking it and is saying I should not return assignment. What is wrong with this?

<div ref={(el) => this.myCustomEl = el} /> 
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AnnaSm Avatar asked Jan 24 '18 01:01


People also ask

Does arrow function require return?

Arrow functions allow you to have an implicit return: values are returned without having to use the return keyword. This should be the correct answer, albeit needing a bit more explanation. Basically when the function body is an expression, not a block, that expression's value is returned implicitly.

Do arrow functions have an implicit return?

Arrow functions may implicitly return values by simply omitting the curly braces that traditionally wrap a function's body if their body only contains a single expression.

Does arrow function return value by default?

No, arrow functions do not have to return a value.

2 Answers

The Fix:

<div ref={(el) => { this.myCustomEl = el }} /> 

The Explanation:

Your current code is equivalent to:

<div ref={(el) => { return this.myCustomEl = el }} /> 

You are returning the result of this.myCustomEl = el. In your code, this is not really a problem -- however, one of the most frustrating bugs in programming occurs when you accidentally use an assignment (=) instead of a comparator (== or ===), for instance:

// This function will always return **true**, surprisingly function isEqual(a, b) {   // The warning would be thrown here, because you probably meant to type "a===b". The below function will always return true;   return a=b; }  let k=false; let j=true;  if(isEqual(k,j)){   // You'll be very, very, very confused as to why this code is reached because you literally just set k to be false and j to be true, so they should be different, right? Right?   thisWillExecuteUnexpectedly(); } 

In the above case, the compiler warning makes sense because k=true evaluates to true (as opposed to k===true, which is probably what you meant to type) and causes unintended behavior. Thus, eshint notices when you return an assignment, assumes that you meant to return a comparison, and lets you know that you should be careful.

In your case, you can solve this by simply not returning the result, which is done by adding enclosing brackets {} and no return statement:

<div ref={(el) => { this.myCustomEl = el }} /> 

You can also adjust the eshint warning like so: https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-return-assign

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Aidan Hoolachan Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 01:09

Aidan Hoolachan

You're implicitly returning an assignment. this.myCustomEl = el is an assignment. You could fix this linting error by changing your arrow function to (el) => { this.myCustomEl =el } which is no longer implicitly returning because you wrapped it in {} instead of ().

Side note: Declaring an arrow function inline inside a render method will break a PureComponent because every time your component renders it has to declare a new anonymous function, so the shallow props comparison that a PureComponent does is broken by this and will always re-render.

Try making that a method of your component.

class MyClass extends React.PureComponent {     getRef = (el) => { this.ref = el; }      render() {         return <div ref={this.getRef} />;     } } 

If the above syntax doesn't work for you, you can use the following:

class MyClass extends React.PureComponent {     constructor(props) {         super(props);          this.ref = null;          this.getRef = this.getRef.bind(this);     }      getRef(el) {         this.ref = el;     }      render() {         return <div ref={this.getRef} />;     } } 
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Kyle Richardson Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 01:09

Kyle Richardson