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Arrow and tab keys not working in sbt 1.0.3 console



When running sbt console with Scala 2.12.4, sbt 1.0.3, MacOS 10.13.1, the arrow keys output codes like ^[[A rather than retrieving the last command and tab outputs a tab character rather than autocompete. If I directly run the Scala REPL or run sbt and then from the sbt command line enter console, then these keys operate as expected. So I can work around this issue, it's just annoying. I suspect there is some piece of configuration that I'm missing I just haven't been able to find it yet.

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Eric Olander Avatar asked Nov 26 '17 16:11

Eric Olander

Video Answer

1 Answers

I had the same problem in sbt 1.1.0. A fix in the 1.1.1 release resolved the issue.

Fixes tab completion in console while running in batch mode as sbt console. #3841/#3876 by @eed3si9n


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Sean Glover Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 21:09

Sean Glover