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Array#push causes "stack level too deep" error with large arrays


I made two arrays, each with 1 million items:

a1 = 1_000_000.times.to_a a2 = a1.clone 

I tried to push a2 into a1:

a1.push *a2 

This returns SystemStackError: stack level too deep.

However, when I try with concat, I don't get the error:

a1.concat a2 a1.length # => 2_000_000 

I also don't get the error with the splat operator:

a3 = [*a1, *a2] a3.length # => 2_000_000 

Why is this the case? I looked at the documentation for Array#push, and it is written in C. I suspect that it may be doing some recursion under the hood, and that's why it's causing this error for large arrays. Is this correct? Is it not a good idea to use push for large arrays?

like image 999
Kapil Dewade Avatar asked Aug 23 '18 23:08

Kapil Dewade

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1 Answers

I think that this is not a recursion error, but an argument stack error. You are running up against the limit of the Ruby VM stack depth for arguments.

The problem is the splat operator, which is passed as an argument to push. The splat operator is expanded into a million element argument list for push.

As function arguments are passed as stack elements, and the pre-configured max size of the Ruby VM stack size is:

RubyVM::DEFAULT_PARAMS[:thread_vm_stack_size] => 1048576 

..this is where the limit comes from.

You can try the following:

RUBY_THREAD_VM_STACK_SIZE=10000000 ruby array_script.rb 

..and it will work fine.

This is also the reason you want to use concat instead, as the whole array can be passed as one single reference, and concat will then process the array internally. As opposed to push + splat, which will try to use the stack as a temporary storage for all the array elements.

like image 100
Casper Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 22:11
