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ArrayList compiler error

I am trying to make an array list in Java in two spots, but I don't know what I am doing wrong. It says an array is required, but I don't know what that means because I am using an array list.

This is the line that's being messed up:

static char rSpaces(String problem, int count)
    char no = num[count];
    return no;

If this helps, this is the line I created the array list in (I already imported it):

static ArrayList<Character> num = new ArrayList<Character>();
like image 463
user2371168 Avatar asked May 10 '13 18:05


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However, ensureCapacity() method of java. util. ArrayList class can be used to increase the capacity of an ArrayList instance, if necessary, to ensure that it can hold at least the number of elements specified by the minimum capacity argument. Parameters: This method takes the desired minimum capacity as a parameter.

1 Answers

num[count] is wrong, since num is not an array. Use num.get(count) instead.

like image 91
zw324 Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 21:09
