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Array type promotion in Julia

In Julia, I can use promote to make various types of objects compatible. For example:

>promote(1, 1.0)
>typeof(promote(1, 1.0))
(Float64, Float64)

However, if I use promote on arrays, it doesn't give me what I want:

>promote([1], [1.0])
>typeof(promote([1], [1.0]))

What I want is for the Int64 array to be converted to a Float64 array, so I get something like:

>promote_array([1], [1.0])
>typeof(promote_array([1], [1.0]))

Here promote_array is a hypothetical function I made up. I'm looking for a real function that does the same. Is there a function in Julia that does what promote_array does above?

like image 321
jcrudy Avatar asked Jul 05 '15 22:07


People also ask

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The string input is taken from the user using the readline() method of Julia. Next, the parse() method is used to convert the String into Float datatype. The typeof() method outputs the datatype of the resulting float value.

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A return type can be specified in the function declaration using the :: operator. This converts the return value to the specified type. This function will always return an Int8 regardless of the types of x and y .

2 Answers

I found the function Base.promote_eltype, which I can use to get what I want:

function promote_array(arrays...)
  eltype = Base.promote_eltype(arrays...)
  tuple([convert(Array{eltype}, array) for array in arrays]...)

This promote_array function then gives me the output I'm looking for:

>promote_array([1], [1.0])
>typeof(promote_array([1], [1.0]))

The above solves my problem, although the existence of Base.promote_eltype suggests there may be an already built solution that I don't know about yet.

like image 69
jcrudy Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 10:10


Here is what I would do:

function promote_array{S,T}(x::Vector{S},y::Vector{T})
    U = promote_type(S,T)
    convert(Vector{U},x), convert(Vector{U},y)

I'm not sure what your use case is exactly, but the following pattern is something I see as being fairly commonly required for code that has the tightest typing possible while being general:

function foo{S<:Real, T<:Real}(x::Vector{S},y::Vector{T})
    length(x) != length(y) && error("Length mismatch")
    result = zeros(promote_type(S,T), length(x))
    for i in 1:length(x)
        # Do some fancy foo-work here
        result[i] = x[i] + y[i]
    return result
like image 30
IainDunning Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 10:10
