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Array type in type script



Why is this allowed by TypeScript? I specified a numeric index. Why can I use a string as an index? Visual studio doesn't report an error.

interface StringArray {
    [index: number]: string;


var a: StringArray;
a = { "key": "val" };
var b = a["key"];
like image 214
william007 Avatar asked Mar 15 '23 05:03


2 Answers


It's because the compiler is still allowing implicit any types which can happen when accessing a property of an object by using an index:

// Example 1
let dictionary: { [index: number]: string };
let myStringTypedVar = dictionary[5];   // implicitly typed as "string"
let myAnyTypedVar = dictionary["prop"]; // implicitly typed as "any"

// Example 2
let myNumberTypedVar = 5;
let myAnyTypedVar = myNumberTypedVar["prop"]; // implicitly typed as "any"

Fix: Compile with --noImplictAny

If you compile your example with --noImplictAny then it will error:

tsc --noImplicitAny example.ts


example.ts(8,9): error TS7017: Index signature of object type implicitly has an 'any' type.

I would recommend always compiling with --noImplicitAny. In Visual Studio, you can turn on --noImplictAny by unchecking "Allow implicit 'any' types" in the project properties' typescript build tab:

Disable allow implicit any

Or by adding "noImplicitAny": "true" to compilerOptions in tsconfig.json.

like image 167
David Sherret Avatar answered Mar 20 '23 02:03

David Sherret

An array is also an objects. So you can access the object properties.

var array = [];
array.push("One"); // array
array[1]= "Two"; // array
array['key'] = "Three";// object
array.key2 = "Four"; // object
var length = array.length; // Is 2 
like image 37
Christoph Avatar answered Mar 20 '23 04:03
