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Array to Binary Search Trees Quick

Given an array of integers, is there a way to convert it into Binary Search Tree (unbalanced) quickly? I have tried inserting it one by one for each element, but this means that I have to traverse from the beginning for each insertion. It works perfectly, but I think the worst case is O(N^2) for being unbalanced, e.g. the array is sorted. Given a large N, I think it is going to take some time.

Back to my question, is there a way to do this faster than the algorithm that I stated?

For example, given array [4,5,2,3,1], is there a fast way to create this?

   /  \  
  2    5  
 / \  
1   3
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jamesalone Avatar asked Apr 23 '16 05:04


People also ask

Is BST faster than array?

A binary tree has the benefits of both an ordered array and a linked list as search is as quick as in a sorted array and insertion or deletion operations are as fast as in a linked list. A tree is a group of nodes starting from the root node.

Can a binary search tree be implemented with an array?

Given an array that represents a tree in such a way that array indexes are values in tree nodes and array values give the parent node of that particular index (or node). The value of the root node index would always be -1 as there is no parent for root.

Why is BST fast?

As mentioned earlier, the BST is an ordered data structure. Upon insertion, the nodes are placed in an orderly fashion. This inherent order makes searching fast. Similar to binary search (with an array that is sorted), we cut the amount of data to sort through by half on each pass.

How to create binary search trees using C/C++ arrays?

Creating binary search trees using C/C++ arrays is not a new idea, but the algorithm to calculate the left and right sub child makes array size much more than number of elements. Consider the creation of this BST example: Insert (50), since this is the first element, it is added at index [0] and becomes the root element.

Is there any way to construct a balanced binary search tree?

Yes, there is easy way to construct a balanced Binary Search Tree from array of integers in O (nlogn). Sort the array of integers. This takes O (nlog (n)) time

What is the strength of binary search?

The strength of binary search comes from being able to quickly filter out the unnecessary values. When a tree is unbalanced, especially like the type of tree that would result from a sorted array, it won’t yield the same benefits as a balanced tree.

How do I sort an array into a binary tree?

If you don't have to do sorting initially, you could construct binary tree by using binary tree insertion algorithm for each element of the array. Refer to any standard implementation of Self-balancing BST. While scanning the array, at ith iteration, you have BST for arr [1...i]. Now, you add arr [i+1] to BST (using insertion algorithm).

1 Answers

Yes, there is easy way to construct a balanced Binary Search Tree from array of integers in O(nlogn).

Algorithms is as follows:

  1. Sort the array of integers. This takes O(nlog(n)) time
  2. Construct a BST from sorted array in O(n) time. Just keep making the middle element of array as root and perform this operation recursively on left+right half of array.


  1. Firstly, you can't do this better than O(nlog(n)) because then you would have essentially sorted the unsorted array (using comparison) in complexity better than O(nlogn). This is impossible.
  2. If you don't have to do sorting initially, you could construct binary tree by using binary tree insertion algorithm for each element of the array.

Refer to any standard implementation of Self-balancing BST. While scanning the array, at ith iteration, you have BST for arr[1...i]. Now, you add arr[i+1] to BST (using insertion algorithm).

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Rishit Sanmukhani Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 01:10

Rishit Sanmukhani