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array_multisort with natural sort

Is it possible to sort a multidimensional array by multiple columns using natural sort in PHP? Here is an example. Suppose I have a 2D array of data, e.g.,

$array[1]['Name'] = 'John';
$array[1]['Age'] = '20';
$array[1]['Code'] = 'ABC 12';

$array[2]['Name'] = 'John';
$array[2]['Age'] = '21';
$array[2]['Code'] = 'ABC 1';

$array[3]['Name'] = 'Mary';
$array[3]['Age'] = '20';
$array[3]['Code'] = 'ABC 10';

I want to sort this array by name (ASC), then by age (DESC), and by code (ASC), all will be sorted naturally. Basically that will be array_multisort with natural sort.

I found many solutions about this topic on the web. Unfortunately, they only support sorting by one column, not multiple column.

like image 973
Derrick C. Avatar asked Oct 20 '11 16:10

Derrick C.

2 Answers

I think you have to implement a custom comparison function for this behavior:

function myCmp($a, $b) {
 $nameCmp = strnatcasecmp($a['Name'], $b['Name']);
 $ageCmp = strnatcasecmp($a['Age'], $b['Age']);
 $codeCmp = strnatcasecmp($a['Code'], $b['Code']);

 if ($nameCmp != 0) // Names are not equal

 // Names are equal, let's compare age

 if ($ageCmp != 0) // Age is not equal
   return($ageCmp * -1); // Invert it since you want DESC

 // Ages are equal, we don't need to compare code, just return the comparison result

Then you can call usort($array, 'myCmp'); and should get the desired sorting

like image 148
klaustopher Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 14:10


If you're using PHP 5.4 or newer, you can use array_multisort with the SORT_NATURAL flag.

like image 43
Craig Buchek Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 15:10

Craig Buchek