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Array Like Objects in Javascript

I'm wondering how jQuery constructs its array-like object. The key thing I'm trying to work out is how it manages to get the console to interpret it as an array and display it as such. I know it has something to do with the length property, but after playing a bit I can't quite figure it out.

I know this has no technical advantage over a normal array like object as in the example below. But I think it's an important semantic element when users are testing and debugging.

A normal Array like Object.

function foo(){     // Array like objects have a length property and it's properties use integer     // based sequential key names, e.g. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 just like an array.     this.length = 1;     this[0] = 'hello' } // Just to make sure add the length property to the prototype to match the Array  // prototype foo.prototype.length = 0;  // Give the Array like object an Array method to test that it works      foo.prototype.push = Array.prototype.push  // Create an Array like object  var bar = new foo;  //test it  bar.push('world');  console.log(bar); // outputs  { 0: 'hello',   1: 'world',   length: 2,   __proto__: foo } 

Where as jQuery would output

var jQArray = $('div')  console.log(jQArray);  // outputs [<div></div>,<div></div>,<div></div>,<div></div>] 

If you run

console.dir(jQArray)  // Outputs  { 0: HTMLDivElement,   1: HTMLDivElement,   2: HTMLDivElement,   3: HTMLDivElement,   4: HTMLDivElement,   context: HTMLDocument,   length: 5,   __proto__: Object[0]  } 

The proto of the jQuery object is especially interesting since its the Object and not jQuery.fn.init as would be expected, also the [0] indicates something as this is what you get when you.

console.dir([]) // outputs Array[0] as the object name or Array[x] x being the internal length of the // Array 

I have no idea how jQuery has set it's proto to be Object[0] but my guess is that answer lies somewhere in there. Anyone got any ideas?

like image 826
AshHeskes Avatar asked Jul 06 '11 15:07


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1 Answers

The object has to have length and splice

> var x = {length:2, '0':'foo', '1':'bar', splice:function(){}} > console.log(x); ['foo', 'bar'] 

and FYI, the Object[0] as the prototype is for exactly the same reason. The browser is seeing the prototype itself as an array because:

$.prototype.length == 0; $.prototype.splice == [].splice; 
like image 186
Nobody Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10
