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Array as argument in Behat step




Is it possible to pass an array as argument in Behat step?

For example want something like this:

When I select <"Alex","Sergey"> in "users"

I know that for this situation I can use:

When I select "Alex" from "users"
And I additionally select "Sergey" from "users"

But the question is about using arrays here.

like image 535
milkovsky Avatar asked Feb 11 '23 13:02


2 Answers

This is what I came up with

Given "foo" translations equal "[foo,bar,bazz]"

 * @Transform /^\[(.*)\]$/
public function castStringToArray($string)
    return explode(',', $string);

 * @Given /^"([^"]*)" translations equal "([^"]*)"$/
public function translationsEqual($phraseName, $translations)
    // we have an array now
like image 68
Brian Litzinger Avatar answered Feb 14 '23 02:02

Brian Litzinger

Option 1

It's possible to make step argument transformations. Then you can easily convert comma-separated string to an array. An Example:

Behat step

Given article "Test article" is published at "Foo, Bar"

Step code:


use Behat\Behat\Context\BehatContext;

class FeatureContext extends BehatContext
     * @Transform "([^"]*)"
    public function castStringToNumber($value)
        return explode(',' $value);

     * @Given /^article "([^"]*)" is published at "([^"]*)"$/
    public function givenArticleIsPublishedAtPages($title, $pages){
      foreach ($pages as $page) {
      // ...

Option 2

Another option is to explode a comma-separated string:

Behat step

Given article "Test article" is published at "Foo, Bar"

Step code:

   * @Given /^article "([^"]*)" is published at "([^"]*)"$/
  public function givenArticleIsPublishedAtMediums($title, $mediums){
    // Explode mediums from a string.
    foreach (explode(',', $mediums) as $medium) {
      // ...
like image 28
milkovsky Avatar answered Feb 14 '23 03:02
