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Arithmetic Expression Grammar and Parser

Recently I was looking for a decent grammar for arithmetic expressions but found only trivial ones, ignoring pow(..., ...) for example. Then I tried it on my own, but sometimes it didn´t worked as one expects. For example, I missed to allow a unary - in front of expressions and fixed it. Perhaps someone can take a look at my current approach and improve it. Furthermore I think others can take advantage because it´s a common task to be able to parse arithmetic expressions.

import scala.math._
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
import scala.util.Random

class FormulaParser(val constants: Map[String,Double] = Map(), val userFcts: Map[String,String => Double] = Map(), random: Random = new Random) extends JavaTokenParsers {
  private val allConstants = constants ++ Map("E" -> E, "PI" -> Pi, "Pi" -> Pi) // shouldn´t be empty
  private val unaryOps: Map[String,Double => Double] = Map(
   "sqrt" -> (sqrt(_)), "abs" -> (abs(_)), "floor" -> (floor(_)), "ceil" -> (ceil(_)), "ln" -> (math.log(_)), "round" -> (round(_)), "signum" -> (signum(_))
  private val binaryOps1: Map[String,(Double,Double) => Double] = Map(
   "+" -> (_+_), "-" -> (_-_), "*" -> (_*_), "/" -> (_/_), "^" -> (pow(_,_))
  private val binaryOps2: Map[String,(Double,Double) => Double] = Map(
   "max" -> (max(_,_)), "min" -> (min(_,_))
  private def fold(d: Double, l: List[~[String,Double]]) = l.foldLeft(d){ case (d1,op~d2) => binaryOps1(op)(d1,d2) } 
  private implicit def map2Parser[V](m: Map[String,V]) = m.keys.map(_ ^^ (identity)).reduceLeft(_ | _)
  private def expression:  Parser[Double] = sign~term~rep(("+"|"-")~term) ^^ { case s~t~l => fold(s * t,l) }
  private def sign:        Parser[Double] = opt("+" | "-") ^^ { case None => 1; case Some("+") => 1; case Some("-") => -1 }
  private def term:        Parser[Double] = longFactor~rep(("*"|"/")~longFactor) ^^ { case d~l => fold(d,l) }
  private def longFactor:  Parser[Double] = shortFactor~rep("^"~shortFactor) ^^ { case d~l => fold(d,l) }
  private def shortFactor: Parser[Double] = fpn | sign~(constant | rnd | unaryFct | binaryFct | userFct | "("~>expression<~")") ^^ { case s~x => s * x }
  private def constant:    Parser[Double] = allConstants ^^ (allConstants(_))
  private def rnd:         Parser[Double] = "rnd"~>"("~>fpn~","~fpn<~")" ^^ { case x~_~y => require(y > x); x + (y-x) * random.nextDouble } | "rnd" ^^ { _ => random.nextDouble }
  private def fpn:         Parser[Double] = floatingPointNumber ^^ (_.toDouble) 
  private def unaryFct:    Parser[Double] = unaryOps~"("~expression~")" ^^ { case op~_~d~_ => unaryOps(op)(d) }
  private def binaryFct:   Parser[Double] = binaryOps2~"("~expression~","~expression~")" ^^ { case op~_~d1~_~d2~_ => binaryOps2(op)(d1,d2) }
  private def userFct:     Parser[Double] = userFcts~"("~(expression ^^ (_.toString) | ident)<~")" ^^ { case fct~_~x => userFcts(fct)(x) }
  def evaluate(formula: String) = parseAll(expression,formula).get

So one can evaluate the following:

val formulaParser = new FormulaParser(
    constants = Map("radius" -> 8D, 
                    "height" -> 10D, 
                    "c" -> 299792458, // m/s
                    "v" -> 130 * 1000 / 60 / 60, // 130 km/h in m/s
                    "m" -> 80),
    userFcts  = Map("perimeter" -> { _.toDouble * 2 * Pi } ))

println(formulaParser.evaluate("2+3*5")) // 17.0
println(formulaParser.evaluate("height*perimeter(radius)")) // 502.6548245743669
println(formulaParser.evaluate("m/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)"))  // 80.00000000003415

Any improvement suggestions? Do I use the right grammar or is it only a question of time until a user types in a valid (with respect to my provided functions) arithmetic expression that can´t be parsed?
(What´s about operator precedence?)

like image 580
Peter Schmitz Avatar asked Apr 27 '11 14:04

Peter Schmitz

People also ask

What is grammar in parser?

In computer science, a parsing expression grammar (PEG) is a type of analytic formal grammar, i.e. it describes a formal language in terms of a set of rules for recognizing strings in the language.

What is arithmetic expression with example?

An arithmetic expression is an expression built up using numbers, arithmetic operators (such as +, , -, / and ) and parentheses, "(" and ")". Arithmetic expressions may also make use of exponents, for example, writing 23as an abreviation for ((2 2) 2).

Do we use grammar in parser?

Parser GeneratorsThey take in a grammar as input and produce Java code to parse input. And they can handle more grammars than a recursive descent parser can. There is much more to building parsers than we can cover in this course.

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There are three kinds of expressions: An arithmetic expression evaluates to a single arithmetic value. A character expression evaluates to a single value of type character. A logical or relational expression evaluates to a single logical value.

2 Answers

For a better performance I suggest to use private lazy val instead of private def when defining parsers. Otherwise whenever a parser is references it is created again.

Nice code BTW.

like image 151
Stefan Endrullis Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 04:09

Stefan Endrullis

Well maybe add variables in the loop :

import scala.math._
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
import scala.util.Random

class FormulaParser(val variables: Set[String] = Set(),
                    val constants: Map[String, Double] = Map(),
                    val unary: Map[String, Double => Double] = Map(),
                    val binary: Map[String, (Double, Double) => Double] = Map(),
                    val userFcts: Map[String, String => Double] = Map(),
                    random: Random = new Random) extends JavaTokenParsers {
    private val allConstants = constants ++ Map("E" -> E, "PI" -> Pi, "Pi" -> Pi)
    // shouldn´t be empty
    private val unaryOps = Map[String, Double => Double](
    "sqrt" -> (sqrt(_)), "abs" -> (abs(_)), "floor" -> (floor(_)), "ceil" -> (ceil(_)), "ln" -> (math.log(_)), "round" -> (round(_).toDouble), "signum" -> (signum(_))
    ) ++ unary
    private val binaryOps1 = Map[String, (Double, Double) => Double](
        "+" -> (_ + _), "-" -> (_ - _), "*" -> (_ * _), "/" -> (_ / _), "^" -> (pow(_, _))
    private val binaryOps2 = Map[String, (Double, Double) => Double](
        "max" -> (max(_, _)), "min" -> (min(_, _))
    ) ++ binary

    type Argument = Map[String, Double]
    type Formula = Argument => Double

    private def fold(d: Formula, l: List[~[String, Formula]]) = l.foldLeft(d) { case (d1, op ~ d2) => arg => binaryOps1(op)(d1(arg), d2(arg))}
    private implicit def set2Parser[V](s: Set[String]) = s.map(_ ^^ identity).reduceLeft(_ | _)
    private implicit def map2Parser[V](m: Map[String, V]) = m.keys.map(_ ^^ identity).reduceLeft(_ | _)
    private def expression: Parser[Formula] = sign ~ term ~ rep(("+" | "-") ~ term) ^^ { case s ~ t ~ l => fold(arg => s * t(arg), l)}
    private def sign: Parser[Double] = opt("+" | "-") ^^ { case None => 1; case Some("+") => 1; case Some("-") => -1}
    private def term: Parser[Formula] = longFactor ~ rep(("*" | "/") ~ longFactor) ^^ { case d ~ l => fold(d, l)}
    private def longFactor: Parser[Formula] = shortFactor ~ rep("^" ~ shortFactor) ^^ { case d ~ l => fold(d, l)}
    private def shortFactor: Parser[Formula] = fpn | sign ~ (constant | variable | rnd | unaryFct | binaryFct | userFct | "(" ~> expression <~ ")") ^^ { case s ~ x => arg => s * x(arg)}
    private def constant: Parser[Formula] = allConstants ^^ (name => arg => allConstants(name))
    private def variable: Parser[Formula] = variables ^^ (name => arg => arg(name))
    private def rnd: Parser[Formula] = "rnd" ~> "(" ~> fpn ~ "," ~ fpn <~ ")" ^^ { case x ~ _ ~ y => (arg: Argument) => require(y(arg) > x(arg)); x(arg) + (y(arg) - x(arg)) * random.nextDouble} | "rnd" ^^ { _ => arg => random.nextDouble}
    private def fpn: Parser[Formula] = floatingPointNumber ^^ (value => arg => value.toDouble)
    private def unaryFct: Parser[Formula] = unaryOps ~ "(" ~ expression ~ ")" ^^ { case op ~ _ ~ d ~ _ => arg => unaryOps(op)(d(arg))}
    private def binaryFct: Parser[Formula] = binaryOps2 ~ "(" ~ expression ~ "," ~ expression ~ ")" ^^ { case op ~ _ ~ d1 ~ _ ~ d2 ~ _ => arg => binaryOps2(op)(d1(arg), d2(arg))}
    private def userFct: Parser[Formula] = userFcts ~ "(" ~ (expression ^^ (_.toString) | ident) <~ ")" ^^ { case fct ~ _ ~ x => arg => userFcts(fct)(x)}
    def evaluate(formula: String) = parseAll(expression, formula).get

So now you have to pass a map to evaluate and you can do :

val formulaParser = new FormulaParser(Set("x"), unary = Map(
    "sin" -> (math.sin(_)), "cos" -> (math.cos(_)), "tan" -> (math.tan(_))
val formula = formulaParser.evaluate("sin(x)^x")
val function: Double => Double = x => formula(Map("x" -> x))

As you can see, I also added parameters to add unary and binary functions.

Thanks for that good code by the way!

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Didier Villevalois Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09

Didier Villevalois