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Are there good Grails sample applications from which to learn? [closed]



Besides the sample applications featured in the books Beginning Groovy and Grails and The Definitive Guide to Grails, are there any applications out there written in Grails that are good examples from which to learn best practices? Such as real applications that are open-source? Thanks.

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foxdonut Avatar asked Nov 10 '08 02:11


People also ask

Is grails a good framework?

Grails is superb because it allows developers to concentrate more on actual application requirements and spend less time configuring the framework. Grails provide tools for development, and it is built based on tools like: Quarts, Hibernate, Spring, and Gradle for library management.

How to create grails application?

Go to start.grails.org and use the Grails Application Forge to generate your Grails project. You can choose your project type (Application or Plugin), pick a version of Grails, and choose a Profile - then click "Generate Project" to download a ZIP file. No Grails installation necessary!

How does grails work?

Grails is based on the convention over configuration idea which allows the application to auto-wire itself based on naming schemes (instead of using configuration files, e.g, XML files). Grails uses JavaEE as the architectural basis and Spring for structuring the application via dependency injection.

2 Answers

During my learning phase, I came across several good sample applications.

This sample web album app got me started on grails. It covers security, image upload / manipulation, basic crud etc.


Here's one from Glen Smith, author of the upcoming Grails in Action book. The source code to the groovy blog aggregator is located here:


Here's another one by Glen, a blog engine written with grails:


And finally, here's the code to the grails.org site which includes wiki functionality:


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Kevin Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 00:09


Yes. IBM has an excellent series of articles building on to a sample application at IBM's developerworks site:

Part I:

The Series: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/views/java/libraryview.jsp?search_by=mastering+grails

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Brian Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 00:09
