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Are there any StAX implementation for android?

I want to use StAX API implementation in android 1.6 and above devices. Are there any implementations out there ? I cannot use the jar file directly since it gives issues regarding inner class. If its not available, is there any way I can recompile the implementation ? Is there an alternate way for POJO class to be mapped into XML and vice versa directly, please exclude SAX parser and DOM parser.

I think it is possible for POJO class to be mapped into XML and vice versa using JAXB. But the situation is like this. Consider this example,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<car registration="abc123">
<car registration="abc123">

Now in the result I want List which has the 2 cars in it.

Also how does JAXB parser fare against StAX ?

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Prabhat Avatar asked Apr 21 '11 00:04


2 Answers

As far as I know, both Woodstox and Aalto should work on Android. Aalto is the single fastest conforming XML parser on Java platform, if that matters; and Woodstox supports widest range of XML constructs (from full DTD handling to RelaxNG/XML Schema validation).

For binding POJOs to XML, you could also consider Jackson extension jackson-xml-databind: while Jackson is mainly JSON processor, extension supports JAXB-style data binding for XML. And does it faster than JAXB reference implementation (see jvm-serializers benchmark). This also should work on Android (Jackson itself is nr 1 JSON parser on Android).

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StaxMan Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 01:09


So what you really want to "map POJOs into the XML and vice versa" is the Simple XML Library. You can use it with every version of Android from 1.5 up.

I even wrote a blog post explaining how to include it in one of your projects.

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Robert Massaioli Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09

Robert Massaioli