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Are there any good UIScrollView Tutorials on the net? [closed]

Some good samples with the basic functionalities covered

  • very simple uiscrollview demo
  • Scrolling
  • UiScrollViewTutorial
  • implementing tap to zoom in uiscrollview on an iphone
  • multiple virtual pages in uiscrollview

Not to mention:

  • stackoverflow UIScrollView

Here's a new one: http://www.raywenderlich.com/10518/how-to-use-uiscrollview-to-scroll-and-zoom-content#more-10518

My article on two advanced UIScrollView techniques (+ sample code): github.com/andreyvit/ScrollingMadness/:

  1. Emulating Photo Library-style paging+zooming+scrolling.
  2. Programmatically zooming UIScrollView.

It's my blog but it may be useful for the beginners Tutorial for creating UIScrollview Programmatically

I found this tutorial perfect for my situation. I didn't need any zooming effect. I want a large content holding subviews.
