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Are there any good reasons to have a database table without an integer primary key?

Although I'm guilty of this crime, it seems to me there can't be any good reason for a table to not have an identity field primary key.

Pros: - whether you want to or not, you can now uniquely identify every row in your table which previously you could not do - you can't do sql replication without a primary key on your table

Cons: - an extra 32 bits for each row of your table

Consider for example the case where you need to store user settings in a table in your database. You have a column for the setting name and a column for the setting value. No primary key is necessary, but having an integer identity column and using it as your primary key seems like a best practice for any table you ever create.

Are there other reasons besides size that every table shouldn't just have an integer identity field?

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Michael Pryor Avatar asked Mar 22 '09 23:03

Michael Pryor

2 Answers

Sure, an example in a single-database solution is if you have a table of countries, it probably makes more sense to use the ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country code as the primary key as this is an international standard, and makes queries much more readable (e.g. CountryCode = 'GB' as opposed to CountryCode = 28). A similar argument could be applied to ISO 4217 currency codes.

In a SQL Server database solution using replication, a UNIQUEIDENTIFIER key would make more sense as GUIDs are required for some types of replication (and also make it much easier to avoid key conflicts if there are multiple source databases!).

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Greg Beech Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11

Greg Beech

The most clear example of a table that doesn't need a surrogate key is a many-to-many relation:

CREATE TABLE Authorship (
  author_id INT NOT NULL,
  book_id   INT NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (author_id, book_id),
  FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES Authors (author_id),
  FOREIGN KEY (book_id) REFERENCES Books (book_id)

I also prefer a natural key when I design a tagging system:


CREATE TABLE ArticlesTagged (
  article_id INT NOT NULL,
  tag        VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (article_id, tag),
  FOREIGN KEY (article_id) REFERENCES Articles (article_id),

This has some advantages over using a surrogate "tag_id" key:

  • You can ensure tags are unique, without adding a superfluous UNIQUE constraint.
  • You prevent two distinct tags from having the exact same spelling.
  • Dependent tables that reference the tag already have the tag text; they don't need to join to Tags to get the text.
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Bill Karwin Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11

Bill Karwin